zinc supplement

A brewery around here is considering using this as a zinc supplement for their yeast…http://ribus.com/sites/default/files/files/Nutrition%20Nu-RICE%202012.pdf .  The phosphorus and potassium levels seem really high, although I’m not sure what impact that would have on the beer.  Anybody got any opinions or advice?

That result is not surprising. Barley has similar values. I’m surprised with how low the calcium content is.

Thanks, Martin!  So, in your opinion you don’t see anything wrong with using it at an appropriate rate?

Isn’t there zinc in wyeast nutrient?

I thought it was the main ingredient…

It is pretty high on the list of ingredients.


Yeah, I agree that it helps the yeast hit its attenuation potential.

That’s exactly what I thought. Why not just use the wyeast nutrient? It works great for me and it’s pretty cheap. 11 grams per barrel, a 5 lbs box lasts me a good long while and is only around $70 bucks.

This brewery is certified organic, so he has to find an organic source of nutrient.

Ahhhh. I see.

Believe me, it’s challenging…the upside is that in the next couple weeks I’ll get to participate in brewing trial of 5 new varieties of organic hops to help determine which will be grown commercially.


That sounds like a lot if fun “work” Denny!

Organic Fuggles? I bet they taste like organic dirt.

Glad to see you are keeping busy in retirement.

;)  Actually, they’ve been a good lesson in how terrior can even affect hops.  They’re not like other Fuggles I’ve tried.  I still don’t love 'em, but I don’t hate 'em either.

Busier than before I retired and it’s a LOT more fun!

Glad to hear that retirement has its benefits for you, Denny!  I aspire to such a situation!