So I have the next week off and 75 bucks to the LHBS to burn so was thinking about brewing a session ipa and a 2 gal batch of a sour to split and pitch two different cultures. My question is does anyone have a good recipe to use and what would get me what I’m looking for (mouth puckering sour and fruity not so much funk) any help and guidance would be awesome thanks in advance
What do you mean by funk?
Its a tough time of year to do lacto without a good controlled heat source. I have had great luck with pitching wyeast 5335 lacto at 95-100 for 7-10 days. But after that it’s tricky. You have to finish with an acid tolerant yeast. I prefer Bret lambicus. It throws a nice cherry pie like fruitiness. Takes a total of about two months to finish. I like a simple grainbill of 50/50 pale and Munich. Keep IBUs under 10 or 5335 can stall.
Sorta the odd barnyard hay sorta thing like I said first time sour project so do a 2 gal split batch pitch two different cultures and see what comes from it sorta lol. The wife loves them so figured I would give it a shot. our guest room sits at 70-73 yearly that a good temp for fermentation?
For brett, you bet. Id make one wort, pretty simple recipe. Then pitch wyeast rosesale in one and in the other pitch lacto for two weeks then wy5526 brett lambicus. They should both be ready in 4-6 months.
Sweet will give it a shot and post up my results think I might go off the 50/50
Like you mentioned above pale/Munich, Guessing keep abv around 5-6% if not alittle lower? Thinking like 1/2oz mt.hood at 60
Right. Id go with 1.050 of 50/50. Mt Hood is a good choice. On my last one I did 2 oz of Willamette at 10 minutes, calculated 10 IBUs, but probably more like 5 if its went to a lab. Just make sure you are ten max calculated. Personally I like late hop only on these. You retain a bit more aroma and flavor that way and <10 IBUs wont be noticed in that sour of a beer. Frankly the only real reason for adding hops is that it doesnt seem like you’re making beer if you don’t add hops. So its more ritualistic than anything else. These are all about acid and fermentation character.
Sweet will add it around 10 think it’s 4-8% alpha so should be golden will post back when I get everything, think pitching a whole vial will be good in a gal batch or to much
2lbs each for 2gal batch got me to 1.052 and 5 min mount hood addition is 11ibus. Is there a sweet spot for the mash when going with a sour beer or
Just normal sac rest at 152-154 is just fine?
Lots of ways to skin a cat. One packet of lacto is fine. I do a starter for 5 gallons and worry that it wont be enough. Also, wyeast bugs arent the same cell count as sac yeast, much less. So if you are doing one batch on roselare and one on lacto/brett, just pitch the smack packs. It might be more than you need but I don’t see it hurting anything. Mash temps is your call. Lacto likes short chain, brett will fo either. So maybe hit the middle?
What strain of lacto or doesn’t really matter when doing a lacto Brett ferm
What would be subs for the white labs cultures? Don’t think my LHBS sells any wyeast
I use wyeast 5335 lacto. Brett lambicus is 5526. Roselare is 3763 and is a blend of belgian sac yeast with lacto, brett B brett L and pedio. I would plan on 4 to 6 months for that to finish.
Dont know the WLP numbers. I live 50 minutes from Wyeast Lab so its all I use. They have the same stuff though.
Looked it up
653 is bret lambicus
655 is their vesion of roselare
677 is lacto delbrueckii (same as wy5335)
672 is lacto brevis (from what I hear it produces alcohol and cranks out the acid)
Sweet thanks just knowing the definition helps with figuring out something close that’s the only thing I can’t stand about my LHBS I know both yeast companies sell around the same cultures but would be nice to actually use what some thing calls for every once in awhile to see if there are some differences
Well you beat me to reply lol thanks hopefully they have them i stock guess with the lacto if they got one I’ll go with what they got
I do want to say thanks for the help aha membership already paying off from another member this forum is a bit more helpful then some others
No problem.
You might develop a relationship with your LHBS guys. My guys always have what I need because I send them an email about 5 days out. If they don’t have it they get it.
Got all my ingridents today and white labs version of the bugs, already had the mt. Hood in the freezer can’t wait to brew this
Somewhat relevant…4 Ways to Sour a Berliner Weisse - American Homebrewers Association