100 % vienna malt

I did a simple ipa recpie today but realized I had just ordered 100 LBS of GWM vienna in lieu of 2 row. Eating them raw/dry side by side wasn’t that significant of a difference. Any input on what i should expect the finished product to be like compared to 2 row?
recipe below
using american ale yeast by wyeast
Amount Fermentable PPG °L Bill %
15 lb American - Pale 2-Row 37 1.8 87%
18 oz American - Caramel / Crystal 20L 35 20 6.5%
18 oz American - Caramel / Crystal 60L 34 60 6.5%
17.25 lb Total
Amount Variety Type AA Use Time IBU
0.6 oz Cascade Pellet 7.1 Boil 60 min 13.07
1.2 oz Cascade Pellet 7.1 Boil 30 min 20.09
1.5 oz Citra Pellet 13.2 Boil 1 min 2.62
3 oz Citra Pellet 13.2 Dry Hop 5 days

Vienna is just slightly darker than Pils. Excepting for the barley varieties, I expect it to perform similarly to Pale malt (which is also slightly darker than Pils).

I think Vienna makes a great IPA. You will love it.

Vienna has relatively low diastatic power: 50 Lintner or so compared to 130-140 for 2-row. As long as you don’t mix it with a lot of malts without enzymes you should be OK. Your grain bill looks to be fine, although your mash  might take longer to complete than it would with 2-row.

According to  Best Malz the Diastatic power of Vienna is about the same as their Pilsner. No problems for me with conversion. Obviously it depends on the maltster though.

I use Vienna for the whole grist in my spruce tip ale. Good stuff.

I brewed a 100% Vienna Christmas Beer and am enjoying it.

So … 100% Vienna for a Bohemian Pilsner?  Or is that a stretch?

Might be a tad too dark and have the wrong malt profile. Hoppy Marzen though!

Oh, I missed that part. Sorry! Might or might not work. It’s really nice and toasty but maybe not what you want for that style. I like a Vienna Centennial SMASH beer. It pairs well with American hops. My spruce tip ale uses Pacific Gem, which is an NZ hop.

Yeah, I kinda like that idea put that way.  And I’m brewing for me, not the BJCP.  I might try it if I can get some of the Barke.  Might as well go all in for big malt taste!
