Wow…talk about planning ahead. If the AHA lets people send outside their region again, be prepared for a lot of entries outside your region after the Northeast issues last year. Based on last years results, you guys had you sh!t together.
I myself will try the NE region entry site again. Hopefully something was learned last year and corrections will be made.
Rumor has it that the first round for the NE will be back in the Philadelphia area this year. Let’s hope so, there are lots of judges in the area and we already have a nearly 800 entry competition that is judged in one day.
I am currently editing the Clubs List for the online registration program, the NHC 2012 Rules & Regulations, the 2012 Site Director’s Handbook, and the rest of the NHC web pages. The Rules & Regulations will be available around the end of January.
The two changes for 2012 are the addition of the 10th competition site in the U.S., and the slight increase in entry fees ($10 for AHA members, and $15 for non-members). Good luck in the competition!