A beer by another name.

I was talking with someone about a beer he brewed, which is an established recipe. He told me that he changed the bittering and finishing hops in the beer. Now that’s fine with me but the debate came when he is calling it the same name as the established recipe. Wouldn’t changing the hop profile change the beer to something new?

I don’t believe in naming any beer after something that it’s modeled after. It’s your beer, you name it! Not because of any copyright issues, but because of a pride thing. Why wouldn’t you want to name your own beer?

As long as he is not calling it a Blonde Stout or a Black India Pale Ale I’m good.  :wink:

Does it taste different? He can name it what he wants. I have in the past when making tweaks.

During the hop shortage days, commercial brewers had to change up some of the hops used in their beers, as the usual hops were in short supply. The names did not change, as the worked to get the flavor as close as they could.


Would you rather is was called Cross Dressing Amateur?

I don’t really see the issue…he can call his beer whatever he wants. It’s his version of that beer. Hell, if the brewer wants to call his beer a pale stout, more power to him. I probably won’t drink it.

I name each of my beers Bud Lite. Really confuses people.

Funny how “cascadian dark ale” just didn’t stick, eh.

Yes, it would.

I still see it around and roll my eyes every time I see it. I see black IPA a lot more than Cascadian Douchewater Ale.

Some hop changes would be dramatic, others unnoticeable. Add that brewing techniques will affect the outcome as much as recipe and I’d say you have a definite maybe. But overall I wouldn’t be worrying about it much.

Im looking forward to the independence vote this fall. Im curious what we will be calling 9A, B, and C if Scotland is no longer on the £ system. Im not sure “80 Bit Coin” has the same ring to it.

I think what Neil is getting at here is that his buddy brewed something like Denny’s RIPA or Waldo Lake Amber and then changed up the established recipe, but is still calling it by the accepted name.

So yeah, I’d agree that if he’s made significant changes to a ‘famous’ homebrew recipe, then he should call it something else.  Kind of a branding issue in a way.  Like the fake Brewdog pub in China.

Denny’s Wry Smile IPA made by replacing Mt. Hood with Liberty would be hard to detect. Replace MT. Hood with Citra, then rename it.



I prefer the gold star. :wink:

You can have one of those, too!