Another reason to enjoy home brew

Interesting article on mass produced beer…errr I mean swill .

Ugh! I’m so sick it this article. I’m not giving up using irish moss just because it’s on this stupid list.

Yeah not a big deal on Irish moss or other finings… It’s the additives and lack of purity that grabs me.

Here’s Maureen Ogle’s rebuttal that was posted last time: What's In YOUR Beer? Or, The Dangers of Dumbassery — Maureen Ogle

I guess at the end of the day, I just like knowing what’s in my beer- and happy to be completely accountable for it.

At the very least this post gives us another chance to come up with some more beaver anal gland jokes.

Who needs a reason?

Here’s some harmful ingredients that are commonly found in beer:
- Natural Flavors

Oh the humanity!

Still trying to get my head around the first guy deciding to sample beaver anal glands.    :smiley:

Yes, I was wondering what set of circumstances lead to “hey, is it just me or does this taste like vanilla?”

I’m afraid you’ve fallen victim to Vani Hari, the infamous “Food Babe”.  She makes totally unsupported, unscientific claimns as a way of gaining fame and fortune.  There’s plenty about her out there, but here a a couple things to read…

Makes sense… when you’re hungry, you eat every part of the beaver.

but…microwaves turn water into Satan!

[Seinfeld “I’m out” gif]


That gal and her psuedo-science is just the worst.

Did you know Starbucks doesn’t use pumpkin in the pumpkin spiced lattes? Thanks Foodbabe!

Jay Brooks editorial

Joking aside, I do agree that “real” ingredients are better than industrial food factory additives.  I prefer local food and a good micro or homebrew… it’s just the pseudo-science and scare tactics that bug me about these kind of editorials.

well thats all i was saying i guess-another reason to homebrew, can your own fresh food, or whatever your thing is. I clearly had know idea who food babe is or what she knows (doesn’t know)…but I clearly poked the bee hive.

i’m preservative free and all natural ;D

The taste alone is all the justification I need.