Another "Scary" article about the dangerous ingredients used in beer

Oh no, fish bladder in my beer! I can’t believe they didn’t tell me.  ???

Just more Food Babe garbage.

What about GMO fish bladder?  I want my fish to have the biggest, most bodacious bladder around.

I saw no mention of GMO beaver anus unfortunately.

Now I have that word stuck in my head. Bladder, bladder, bladder

Another person writing sensational article without knowing the subject.

He/she sounds convincing thou.

There seems to be too may people who think they are getting out of this alive.  I really wish they would notice that we all have an expiration date and just let the tiny little threats go once in awhile.  Too much of anything is bad for you, don’t seat the small stuff.


Have not read that in detail.

As the famous undertaker/poet down the street says - “with one birth you also get one death.”

Thomas Lynch is who I refer to. He has written many books on the dismal trade (undertaking). Those are thoughtful, and excellent reads.

+1.  Spot on.

Indeed.  Life is a terminal disease.

This is my thought process when people look at me weird when I eat “unhealthy” things like pan-fried chicken and homemade macaroni and cheese. Hey, you only live so long and I ain’t going without fried chicken! …but I also don’t eat it but once every two months or so.

As Oscar Wilde said, “Everything in moderation, including moderation.”

This article lost credibility with this line in the first paragraph “loaded with both toxic and genetically modified ingredients, including GMO corn syrup, GMO coloring and fish bladder”. Are fish bladders toxic or GMO?

Halfway through, I said to myself it was cribbed from the Food Babe, which was confirmed with the link towards the end.

I wonder how they feel about plastic being used in the beer? PVPP is even Reinheitsgebot compliant, since it is not found in the finished beer.

Just reading the word bladder makes me need to visit the bathroom.  :frowning:

Yeah, but that’s not the point, at least to me.  The point is the length and quality of life.  Not that I agree in any way with the article, but I just find this to be a weak argument without much thought behind it.

Not all people agree as to what “quality” in life means.  To some it is health, others wealth, etc.  Personally I try to limit my poisons, but heck guys, alcohol will kill ya and that doesn’t seem to stop us.

One other aspect is called “what’s the point?” My idea of a perfectly health safe life would lead to that question

I completely agree with ya.  But although I still drink what I brew, I severely limit my consumption for health reasons.  Same with my intake of red meat (maybe once or twice a year), fat (I eat too much, no matter what), bread, pasta, and other things.  By enjoying them in limited quantities, I hope to be able to enjoy them longer.  I have heart disease and am pre diabetic, and those color every choice I make about what to put into my body.

+1 I’m living your life, brother.

There is one positive in this article, though; the author points folks away from the BMCs and toward micros and locally crafted beers… I’ll give her that.