Anyone ever take a beer from the keg back onto the yeast cake in primary?

My hefeweizen kit fg 2 days ago so I racked it into the keg last night and force carbed it. A few hours later I took a sample and it smelled horrible like sulfur. I still had the fermenter with the yeast cake that I haven’t cleaned up yet so I decided to rack it back onto the yeast for another week to try and get rid of the smell.

why not just put a spoonful of slurry into the keg?

Also, sulfur will dissipate in time without help from the yeast.

I’m a noobie so I’m still learning the do’ s and donts. I’ll do that next time for sure. Thanks!

Just let it sit in the keg for a while.  It should age out (in my experience).  That’s what the conditioning is for.

I had already put it back onto the yeast before I made this post. Will this hurt anything or should I just let it set for another week and see what happens? I don’t mind dumping it and starting over if I need to.

Don’t dump it unless it is undrinkable. Keg it, carbonate, give it a week or so, and taste it again. If it’s better drink it, if not, wait another week.