Best Apps for iPod?

Finally got an iPod touch. I already have the BrewPal software (don’t really care for it) what other apps out there are must haves? Doesn’t have to be beer related.

I belive you can get Angry Birds for it.  - internet radio on your ipod touch
the book reader is cool - lot’s of free books
redlaser - scan any UPC and it will find the cheapest price in your area (location aware program)

Pandora - Internet Radio (probably my favorite)
+1 Angry Birds
you can also download the BJCP Styles app

I heart radio, is good too. app
Kindle app
FBReader app

Angry birds is great!

Well, if you jailbreak, installous is, by far, the best “app” - beeralchemy is way better than Beer Smith or ProMash IMO - I use it when I’m stuck away from a comp and I need some quick beer math.

I don’t think I jailbreak… what’s that? Besides the point, I tried beer alchemy and didn’t like it much. If you could get it for an ipod I might give it a second chance.

Homebrew calculator is good for some quick beer math.  It would be really nice if they had a hydrometer adjustment calc though.  That might not be an ipod app.  I have a Droid.

Anyone editing video on the ipod?
There’s a few programs out there, but everybody’s is “the best” so it’s hard to choose

I have Brewmath which is a great conversion and estimating tool. Of course Brewpal as you mentioned is pretty good.
I checked out beeralchemy but don’t find it any better that beersmith that I use on my PC.

I also have beercloud but that is a brewery/brewpub finder which is pretty cool.

I’m sure there will be more apps popping up as time goes on.

I like this app but there’s a bunch of functionality they need to add.  Supposedly there will be 2.0 version at some point.

Plants v. Zombies is best game I’ve played. Highborn is a fun RTS game and it’s free.

Do you think anyone would advertise that they have “the third best video editing program for your iPod!”?

“Our product is second rate!  Less intuitive, more expensive, and it sucks power like Monica Lewinsky”  ;D

I have a Droid too… And I’m selling my iPhone today. Jailbreaking is rooting the phone or removing the restriction that allows one to install apps that apple and att don’t want installed. So you thought you had a choice huh? Already did it to the droid phone.

Anyway, I’m seeing a lot of the same apps available for both types.

It lets you do cool things with your device that are not approved by your corporate overlords. However, only terrorists jailbreak their phones so you have to be careful  ;D

Oooooh!  :stuck_out_tongue:

So no one has a video editing program installed? Guess I’ll be the pioneer and report back to you all.

I use BrewMath religiously to adjust decoction volumes and recalculate refractometer readings while brewing.  BJCPStyles is convenient to have.  It’s searchable and nice to have for every reason you can think of.

BeerAlchemy is nice to have if you are a Mac user and have the Mac version of it.  It’s easier to use on the Mac than on an iPod/iPhone.  I have used it at brewclub meetings to quickly throw together a recipe or just to play around with ingredients and ratios.

Simplenote is a free app that allows you to take notes.  The neat thing is that the notes can be shared with another device or edited online.  The iPod/iPhone syncs to all of the other devices.  It allows the wife and I to both work on the weekly grocery list.  The downside is that I often get sent out to do grocery shopping since I have the list on me at all times.  :slight_smile:

Enigmo is a neat game.  Check it out.

They ported Doom over to the iPod/iPhone.  The controls are obviously different, but the game is true to the way I remember it.  Not a bad way to kill a few minutes during the day.

The Betty Crocker Cookbook app is nice.  The iPad version is really nice, but the iPod/iPhone version is pretty good.  It’s something I can use while food shopping (see above, I am food shopping often).

There’s also a really nice port of a HP 12C financial calculator.  The interface looks like a 12C and all of the functions are there too.  If you know how to use a 12C, this app is invaluable.

Too soon?  ;D

Get a flashlight app, that screen is an impressive source of light and has pulled me out of a ditch in a blizzard…

Attaching a tow cable in a dark blizzard “monica lewinsky-s”