I’ve done a cursory search online, but I was also curious to see what other kind of knowledge folks from this forum have regarding purchasing hop rhizomes in Washington state. Is there a particular supplier that I would have the best quality from, or can I buy these up from just about any local farm? It’d be great if there’s any opportunities you might know if that involves visiting a farm - I always love chatting with the farmers about their product if possible!
I have no experience growing them either, so I’m not sure when during the year will be the best time for me to hunt these down and get them started.
Hm, I haven’t heard of that, so I’m not totally sure. I did just a real quick Google search and wasn’t able to find anything about a hop quarantine this year, but I’m not sure how reliable that is.
Awesome, thank you for the resource! The two that I’ve gotten from this thread look like really good choices. Definitely looking into these and maybe visit the farmers that welcome guests. That would be a really fun weekend trip.
It’s set up to protect the three primary hop growing states for the most part as hops account for millions of dollars to those states economies. Unfortunately, there have been a few instances where ‘dirty’ planting stock was sent from PNW to folks establishing new farms in the east in recent years. USA Hops - Hop Growers of America
I love hopsdirect. A couple years ago I was looking for Cluster rhizomes (Cluster? yeah I know, but they grow great here). They were the only farm that was offering them. They are also a great place to buy any hops that you are not growing yourself.
I ordered some rhizomes in the past from Hops Direct. They all grew well.
While not in WA, in the past I’ve also ordered from Thyme Garden which sells all organic if that matters to you. I also had good luck with the rhizomes I ordered from them.