Big Brew

Who’s going to brew on cinco de mayo?! I am going to brew the bucksnort all grain version in Santa Rosa, CA! I’ll be toasting you all!

I’ll be hosting a Big Brew session and brewing the Bucksnort Brown at my house in Delaware!

I’m trying to decide if I want to go for both recipes or relax and do the Bucksnort. Hmmm.

It is possible that I might brew that day since it falls on a Saturday. Definitely not a Mexican style beer tho. Might do a Czech Pils… Really I’m more concerned about April 21st commemorating when we kicked Santa Anna’s ass at the Battle of San Jacinto. And we’re celebrating this event big-time on Friday. :wink: It’s called “Battle of Flowers”.

BTW I brewed a Hefeweizen for it.

Our club had to postpone Big Brew until the 12th where we’ll be brewing a wheat wine to age in a red wine barrel.  On Cinco de Mayo I’ll be brewing a Bohemian pilsner.

I plan to brew on 5/5!  I’ll be having a small brew party for whoever wants to show up, serving my red-eye ale to anyone who wants to drink it*.

What’s to be brewed hasn’t been decided yet.  I’m thinking either my cascade pale ale or a blonde ale, but there’s a slight chance I’ll go ahead and brew my coffee oatmeal stout on that day (otherwise the coffee stout will be brewed on 5/12).

*I’m assuming it will be drinkable, lol, I’ve been away on work and haven’t tried it yet

I’ll be hosting for the 14th year in a row.  Probably a small gathering because there’s judging for a homebrew comp the same day and a lot of people who would otherwise brew will be at that.  I’ll be brewing my Rye IPA recipe…hey, it was the Big Brew recipe a few years ago so it’s close enough!

My brother and I are hoping to have a few people over to help us brew Bucksnort Brown Ale.  When the AHA bestows such an honor to you and your recipe you’ve got to oblige.  It should be at its peak when NHC Club Night rolls around.  I hope to share some of this batch with as many of you as possible in June.

Thank you Gary and Janis for picking our beer!


Who all participated in Big Brew this weekend? What did you end up making? Did you get any pictures? I made the bucksnort brown ale (all grain version).

Had a small Big Brew this year…only 4 brewers and 35 gal. of beer brewed.  But it was a great day!

I brewed a 10 gal batch of RRBC Sanctification but half with Brett only and the other half with all the other bugs. It was a great brew day! But no pics unfortunately

I’ll be bottling up an ordinary bitter and brewing up another apricot hefeweizen today. If I can get off my ass to do it…

I brewed an American Stout.

Keith Brewed an Vienna.

This was at Zion Canyon Brewing where Kieth works. 10 gallons total and not on the list.