Big 'old hops

These suckers are getting long!

Sent from the future…

Mine are just starting to “bud”.

Of course, I’m in Michigan.

I had some bud really early but I didn’t fertilize them until after. Once I fertilized some they started budding again and now they’re way bigger than the originals.

Cool, thanks for the heads up. What did you use for fertilizer?

i expect a poor harvest this year due to drought. (and forgetting i can water)

Miracle Grow. I used Miracle Grow potting soil when I first planted but it didn’t last as long as I thought it would. (these are in pots)

I think this is what I used:

I overdid it at first and burned a few leaves but it’s recovered now and I just add half a tablespoon every 2 weeks now.

Very nice, those are some long cones. What variety are you growing?


Cascade have just started to bud but the Zeus grew extremely fast.

Sent from the future…

Unfortunately, my newly-planted rhizomes didn’t take off at all this year. The cascade came up about 3" out of the ground, and the centennials didn’t pop out.

I was going to take a pic, but just imagine a bare dirt pile…

Maybe they’re just getting HUGE root balls underground for next year?

I planted columbus, chinook and cascade. Chinooks were the only ones that took off. I got those rhizomes from a local hop farmer, vs the others from an online retailer.

Interesting (to me anyway) that one of the 3 is MUCH taller than the other 2. By a good 2-3 feet.

I planted Cascade, Mt Hood and Willamette this year. Had some bug issues (but not Japanese Beetles amazingly). I have one bine on each that are in the 6-8 foot range and a few on each that are under a foot. No buds yet, and I’m not even sure if I’ll end up with any. Just hoping the roots are growing strongly enough to get a good harvest next year.

They look big, but they don’t look old.

I guess I meant ‘ol instead of old, just talkin’ down home like.  :stuck_out_tongue:

“Big 'ol hops” … now I get it.  :wink:

I am experiencing the opposite, my Cascade is budding big time, and my Zeus is barely growing

[quote]I guess I meant ‘ol instead of old, just talkin’ down home like.  :stuck_out_tongue:

Totally different, 'ol and and old.

Kinda like “y’all” and “ALL y’all”

Wow yous gots you some longass cones there! 8)

Usuns never seen Zeus like that;; jou get um from Dave @Freshops?

The Zeus I have yield tight and dense cones, and go thump in the bottom of a picking bucket…
I got some Columbus just to compare for myself, and they look and smell exactly the same as teh Zeus.



My first harvest is in the oast.
Cheers to yours!

My Cascades are much bigger this year than in the past 3 years.  They also look like they will be ready earlier than in previous years.  I think the unusually hot summer in Chicagoland is the reason, but a little fertilizer probably didn’t hurt.


Looks great!

You’re using sunflowers to train your hops bines on? Looks like an awesome idea. If I ever move my hops out of containers I will have to try this. What variety of sunflower are you using?