Bought the wrong yeast...

So I’m trying my hand at making my own Northern English Brown Ale recipe and forgot to write down the Wyeast # before I left for the LHBS. They only had White Labs and by mistake I said “English Ale Yeast” instead of “London Ale Yeast”.

So instead of getting Wyeast 1028/WhiteLabs WLP013 I got WhiteLabs WLP002. Is this going to make a huge difference in the style profile? Its a 40min 1-way trip to the LHBS, should I bring it back and get the WLP013?

Any info appreciated.


The WLP002 will be a little fruitier and may not attenuate quite as far, but it won’t be a night and day difference. I’d say you could increase the pitching rate and/or drop the temperature slightly and get “close enough”.

Definitely make it with this yeast. take good notes. make another batch soon- tomorrow- next week- with EVERYTHING the same except get the yeast you initially intended. Try them side by side. Then you decide which you like best! This is a perfect opportunity to experiment. But remember, when experimenting change only ONE THING at a time. In this case, your yeast. Get on with it! And give the primary enough time.

And…it’ll be beer.  ;D Great discoveries are made by accident and perseverance.

London is in England.  ;D

Thanks for the suggestions I’ll give it a go and report back

If you’ve never used it before wlp002 makes some great beer. And it is an opportunity for a comparison. :smiley: I found it to be a fast fermenter and it drops quick and clear.

Its been exactly a week since pitching the WLP002 and after moving it to a warmer location (62-65F) its been bubbling like crazy the whole time. Figured it might be a good time to take a grav reading. (it tastes fantastic btw)

3/26  OG: 1.040
4/02  SG: 1.015

Its still bubbling once every 6-8 seconds, gonna check it again in a few days.

thanks for all the input,

Sounds almost done.  You could probably take a quick taste now to get an idea how it’s doing.

I like this yeast better anyway.  Not quite as dry.  A little fruitier, a little less sulfury.

yeah i always taste the grav reading sample, its really nice so far. i tried to get as close to newcastle as i could after researching different recipes and i cant wait to get a 6 of NC to do a side-by-side.

I’m working on a stout atm but i may try this recipe again with the other yeast just to see the difference.


And waste a fresh slurry of 002 you got underneath that brown ale?? I’d redo that brown after you make the stout :wink:

Let us know. NC is one of my favorite beers. I’m told it’s a blend…