very hard to find info on this yeast. the suggested wyeast equivalent seems way off imho.
White labs compared it with WLP 833 and did a side by side comparison on a bock beer:
Seems pretty similar.
thank you, very interesting. woiuld love to find more of these. looking at about 72% attenuation for both of these yeasts. lol i actually ordered 833 along with this one.
just opened it up to add some gelatin, very odd aroma for a lager yeast in my experience. zero (truly zero) of the expected sulfur, an odd earthy smell. i am 2 pints in, so just closed it up. will have a tasting in a few days anyway. i hope to do a little write up in a few months on this apparently seldomly used (perhaps for good reason) yeast, after doing at least another batch with it.
upfront tiny note of vinegar pickled herring (not unpleasant), intense grain, white wine, red apple, small lychee, finishes quickly, good use of 1oz of flameout hallertau with herby notes.
very creamy and puffy body esp. considering unexpectedly low FG of 1.008.
this is a pale lager after ~3 weeks bottled at 50F.
i wouldnt buy it again imho.