Breaking news from Idaho

Been a pretty good week out west so far. Mancave is really coming together. I’m spending the first night in it tonight. Tomorrow, I will get the wiring ran from the breaker box in the house, to my sub-panel in the mancave, along with the cable, phone, and network wires.
  My dream job of brewing is a no go. They just don’t need any help right now. But, I did score a pretty sweet gig. I’ll be working from home, my own schedule. As much or as little as I want. Pay is pretty good, and the work is okay too. Imagine, I’ll get to work pantless every day!!!  Holly is also working from home, part time. Our bills have been drastically reduced out here, so we are both going to part-time it, and just enjoy life. Looks like I’ll be flying back out to Ohio this weekend. I’ll spend a couple weeks there, then back to Idaho on the 29th. All that just to get back on a plane, and fly right back out on the 4th. But, I’m having fun, and enjoying life…finally. Now, I just need to get my brewery here. Man do I miss it. I can’t even go into the beer threads, it hurts so much. But, by mid July, I should be up and brewing and talking and posting about beer again, here a “Rocky Mountain Buckeye Brewers”!

Just fire up the burner.  You know you want to.  Just a simple ale.  You could be done in just a few hours.

Hang in there partner. You’ll be up and running before you know it.

Think Maple BACON Porter !

I have no burner to fire up. Not even a kettle to to boil in if I had a burner. Not a grain mill, a mash tun, not even a hydrometer. This is truly what was meant by “I don’t have a pot to piss in, or window to throw it out of.” This SUCKS!!

Then do what has to be done.  Stove top, partial boil, extract style.  It should help you get through the drought.

What did you do with everything???

It’s all in storage. From my clothes, to furniture, to brewery, to my truck. It’s all sitting there waiting on me.  :cry:

Well at the very least…you have something to look forward to.


Glad to hear you’re well, Weaze!
You have my sympathies on the brewery situation. I’m sure many of us know what you’re going through.

Good luck working from home. It’s not always all it’s cracked up to be.