It's about time I brew again!

Still don’t have my brewery in Idaho. But, I’m back in Ohio for a bit, and was looking around the sheet metal shop today, where all our stuff is stored, and it hit me…BREW YOU BUTTHOLE!!! I got all my stuff there, including everything for 12 gal of wheat. So, Sunday, I’m headed to the shop with some buddies for a day of brewing and drinking. I so excited I could puke!!! Random senseless, pantless pic to come.  ;D

You know how I know you’re…


Nice! Are you planning to bring it to Idaho or drink it in Ohio?

Twelve gallons dude. That means a little of both.  :wink:

Good on ya, buddy!

You REALLY need to incorporate Private Idaho into the beers name.

Hey, thanks for the text and pic from the rally last night. Not sure if you knew if Boulderbrewer was sending that to me or not, but either way, it made my weekend!

I feel ya on the need to brew again.  I havent brewed in a month now.  I’m drinking my last batch (The Left Nut Brown Ale) right now, which sucks cause I wont have any more HB for another month.  I am currently working on a new stand and want to wait to brew again til it’s done and ready to go.  I’m jonesing to brew.

So we take it that you’ll be in Ohio for several weeks then?  :wink:

I fly back to Idaho on the 29th, then leave Salt Lake city again on July 4th to come back to Ohio, and then back to Idaho on July 17th. Yeah, I’m a traveling man.  ;D

Maybe you should make a potato beer to commemorate, first there was Budman… and now we give you the all new Spudman!  ;D

Nothing beats a spud.


Thats Weaz alright… no pants!  :smiley: