Brü's Views with Annie Johnson | On Vagina Beer

A couple weeks ago, a beer idea by The Order of Yoni was getting a lot of attention due to the microbial source of the bacteria used to make it-- a woman’s vagina. Then just like that, the murmur softened. As obsessive planners who already had this Brü’s Views topic set, we figured we’d share our opinions on the matter anyway. A huge thanks to 2012 Pilsner Urquell Master Homebrewer recipient, 2013 American Homebrewers Association Brewer of the Year, and current PicoBrew Master Brewer Annie Johnson for sharing her thoughts… On Vagina Beer!

This whole vagina beer thing isn’t even worth a minuscule amount of attention. It’s just f*cked … pun intended.


There’s pushing the envelope then and there’s doing something just stupid and unappealing to consumers. If your beers are really good you don’t need a PR stunt.

Sure it’s s stunt, but who knows, maybe that chick’s lactobacillus makes some crazy good beer.

;D  There’s that. Pass.

Well jeez. If that’s the way you guys feel I guess I’ll scrap my plans for the 27% ABV Buttcrack Bock soured with lactic acid from Tasty’s toejam (nothing against Tasty but I figured he’s a Birkenstock kind of guy and alliteration is fun).

How about gooch gueuze

Still waiting for booger barleywine ( I like alliteration, too). Not waiting to drink, mind you. Just waiting.

Brulosophy had the opportunity to interview a highly qualified person, some who obviously knows a lot about beer, brewing beer, and educating people about homebrewing. So what do they ask her? About vagina beer.

Oh FFS. This is just ridiculous. You have someone sitting with you who you can ask anything of (and probably learn something) and then you marginalize that opportunity by asking that person about something that only vaguely relates to their gender. What a waste of time for both the readers and the interviewee.

Luckily we have the EB Podcast with Annie. That was a better way to utilize her time. The fact that the Brulosophy crew even covered this is astonishing.

i thought it was a joke until reading everything. vile, stupid…moving on.


Was it really that far off after the release of ‘Beard Beer’?

Preach it, Amanda!  So right on!

Did you hear the podcast interview with Annie?



While I have the utmost respect for Annie, it’s not like she’s the Dali Lama. From her response, it sounds like she had fun and can be a bit of a dirty bird.

Who knows, but that beer was absolutely terrible.

FWIW, I agree that just maybe they could’ve made a little better use of Annie’s time (as opposed to the EB cast where they did).  I just find the whole ‘bodily substances beers’ thing dumbfounding, stupid and comical at the same time.