Bucket List

So I was talking to one of my first girlfriends from the prehistoric ages, after the fact I have started to wonder what is on my bucket list? What are your greatest joys? What will you never forget?

I’ll start, (duh!) I want to walk in the rain with my wife enjoying life and the moment.

Second is walking with my wife (the love of my life) and my children in the rain and living in the moment and talking about the future. Wishing that both boys will be there.

I got a thing about walking and talking in the rain, goes back way before High school.


I got lots more!

Lets hear it!

So if I was going to Die, (I’m not yet Sorry!) I would have to say I would have to go to the Taj Malaja. I think it represents the epitome of love and the worst that can happen being seperated from your love forever. Plus it is just to cool of a place to miss.

I want to learn how to play the guitar. Before I die.

Come on down to the windward side of Hawaii Island!  (he says with the rain on the metal roof so loud he cannot hear the radio)

I want to see the Earth from 200 miles up.

Did you mean the Taj Majal?
If so, It is much more than I expected. Gorgeous spot.

My list follows alot of what you mentioned. I would love to hike any one of the “Trails” in the US that exceed 1000 miles in length. The Appalachian Trail, Continental Divide Trail, and others not named in here.

Sunrise at Machu Pichu, Easter Island (solar eclipse there in July…), Stonehenge. That is about it…

I don’t have a list, but I’d like to travel and hike more.  The PCT would be nice Ruben, I’ve got some books on it.  I did the last one on that list about 12 years ago, and might get to do it again next summer.  11 days, 93 miles, 22000 feet of elevation gain.  A beautiful experience. ;D

Falling asleep under a tin roof with my wife, that’s on my list. You’re lucky to have it, every time we visited my Grandmother in Crossett I’d hope it would rain because of her roof.

It is loud, but very soothing.  I love when it rains while I’m in bed.  Puts me to sleep every time.

We have metal roofs because we use our roofs to collect rainwater for our household water needs.  Rainwater catchment.

I am getting urge to do some river trips again.  The Green River through the Gates of Ladore, as that is a part of Major Powell’s expedtition that we have not done.  A long trip on the Salmon or Snake would be fun.  The Gran Canyon in a wooden boat - again.

We have some parts fo the US to still see, and are working on that.  The Desert Southwest has a big pull for the wife and I.  Might even get up to Death Valley after the NHC.

Would like to spend more time hiking, and some friends have been talking up the Wonderland trail, Tom.

When the knees are shot, then it is time to sit in the German Biergartens, or just hang for a month or 2 in Italy.

I married a great woman, had some good kids, saw the Grand Canyon and learned to make beer. I’m set, although there is that Harley Heritage Softail Classic that I’ve been eying. :smiley:

I am a simple man.

I want to punch a whale.

Looks a lot like a Yamaha V-Star 1200CC - Personally I’d save the several-tens-of-grand and get the Yamaha and then a sidecar :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, can’t do that. Yes, I could save some money with a Jap bike, but I prefer American made and oh that lovely loping idle. There’s just no other sound like it.

Rice is cheaper in France.

It’s amazing.  I can’t recommend it highly enough, it’s absolutely gorgeous.

I play the sax and drums and always wanted to learn the guitar also, I was thinking of getting one of these:

McNally Strumstick

small, pretty cheap and from the videos it looks easy to learn.

Oh and my bucket list item, I want to drink a Guinness in ireland.


Hunt elk in the Western US, Greater Kudu and Cape Buffalo in Africa.

Drums for me.  I want to channel John Bonham.

I taught myself how to play the drums by going out and buying a kit. A local music shop was going out of business because of some IRS problems and everything was dirt cheap. I got an excellent drum kit for like $250. It barely fit in my car.

I went home, set it up and put on some AC/DC. When i could play every song from Back in Black, I moved to Billy Squier, The Police, Zeppelin, then right to Yes and Rush. About a year later my neighbor was home from college and heard me playing Rush and came over to ask me where I studied and was dumbfounded that i was self-taught. He had been playing drums since he was 10 yrs old and went to school for it in NYC. (He currently owns a Drum School) Always thought that was a great compliment.

I still can’t read a single note of drum sheet music but i can play anything i hear.

Just do it!
