I recently moved from Manhattan KS to Jacksonville FL.; Mandarin area to be exact. In Kansas I was able to network and buy sacks of gain from local micro brewers such as Little Apple Brewer or Tall Grass Brewers; the owners and Master Brewer were more the happy to help us homebrews. I’ve tried to contact some of the local brewing companies here but no success so far. I know I can purchase bulk gain on line, but a $34 sack turns into a $75 sack after shipping , I guess my question is their anyone out there that can help me network, I can see paying $40-45 for basic 2 row, a little more for american white wheat.
Welcome to Jax from a fellow native! I typically sacks of Rahr from More Beer. $68.73 all in with shipping. At $1.25 a pound it’s a good deal.
You could go with Briess and pay $59.15 all in ($1.18/lb).
I’ll mention there is a big home brew community here (CASK) and perhaps they do group orders.
How fast do you actually go through a sack? You could order smaller amounts of several different grains from some Online shops and qualify for free or flat rate shipping due to the dollar amount.
Some Online shops have 7 or 8 different pale ale malts from the U. K. and if you bought 6 or 7 pounds of each you’d get close to a sack and shipping wouldn’t be a issue.
Sometimes the 10lb bags of grain from MoreBeer with the free shipping works out a better deal than buying a full sack. And you can mix up your base malts that way.
Yes, these are a good deal. I buy all the grains that I don’t need in a 55 lb. sack, Vienna, Munich, Wheats, etc. in 10 lb. bags. MoreBeer’s grain prices are good too.
I think it is also easier to pack divided bags compared to a sack. The price also depends on where you live. Shipping a sack from MoreBeer to me is about $10, for most malts this is cheaper than local by a few bucks. 5 - 10lb bags are a bad deal in my case.
I was thinking about buying a sack yesterday as I was buying my 2nd 10lb. bag of Pils in about 10 days. I just don’t have anywhere to store it right now.
When I travel through Nashville I buy all my base sacks for the year at once. Usually Weyermann or Best Pils, Vienna, Golden Promise, and Rahr 2 row. I mail order or buy the other small things local. Generally go through 5 sacks a year. I’ve not had great luck with local sacks. Uncrushed it lasts a long time. Nothing worse than needing bulk and not being able to find it local.