My LHBS is about an hour away. I am looking to find a place online with the best deals and cheapest shipping for grain. I have been purchaceing hops from and am pleased with their prices and shipping, I’m just looking for something similar for grains.
LHBS (perfect brewing supply), unless its something specific, unavailable, and they can’t get it. I have ordered hops on line from and My local homebrew club has also made bulk malt purchases from mid country malt.
Don’t really have a LHBS that is worth squat. Buy most of my stuff from North COuntry Malt until recently - my source just dried up and I don’t exactly know what I am going to do for bulk grain. Damnit!
I live about 15 minutes away from Mid Country Malt I buy my base malts there. I buy most of my specialty malts from Midwest. Their prices are good and they’ll sell you half pounds of grain. Hops Direct and Freshops for my bulk hop orders, Midwest for the rest. Yeast as well.
My LHBS is about 40 minutes away and they cater more to wine makers. They’re good for random equipment but I don’t know how fast they turnover grain so I rarely buy ingredients from them.
I get my bulk grain from north country malt (and sometimes specialty malts if I need a few pounds when I happen to order a 55# sack)
hops direct for bulk hops. I try and support the LHBS when I can. He doesn’t have a huge selection of specialty malts, but he has the basics.
Equipment and yeast I usually get from northern brewer
Yeah, but I used to go in on pallet orders and it was way, way, WAY cheaper than having to just order through them. A sack would rarely be over 35 bucks.
So you mean with shipping then?
Because I went in on a group buy and got a sack as low as $27. But we could pickup at the dock.(mid country)
The order was definitely not a pallet.
I do almost all of my purchasing through
Good prices, great service, flat-rate shipping.
If I’m not shopping at BMW, I’m shopping at Austin Homebrew Supply, to which all of the above apply as well.
Yeah, cheap. 27-35 depending what we bought. A pallet can hold up to 42 sacks and was 127 or so to ship. Split up between several guys it is a great deal. I would order 6-10 sacks usually.
Buying in bulk with a group purchase is ultimately going to save the most money. Unfortunately, that’s probably not possible for some folks. What am I going to do with a pallet of 2 row in my garage… ;D