Can't find a NW beer you want locally? Have it shipped! (New site)

This site will ship Northwest beers.

Northwest Liquid Gold

Sorry - no Pliny listed.  ;)

Damn it!!! No NH shipping…that figures!  >:(

Something tells me you can blame your own state laws.  Bummer.

Absolutely…but I can get wine delivered here.  It just gets frustrating.

They do ship to Mass. which I find odd since they have some of the most antiquated liquors laws in the country and a strong distirbutor lobby.

No shipping to Europe either, which is strange because there are no shipping restrictions on alcohol over here.

Luckily I have a new brewing friend whose job takes him to the west coast about once a month.  ;D

Not necessarily, to ship to a place you have to have permits/liceneses to sell, issued by the authorities in that place.  Not all shippers choose to get permitted in all places that allow shipping.

Lost Abbey is listed…no products on the page… :cry:
Love that duck duck gooze…can’t get it…

But yeah there are some Russian River beers available…and some from the Bruery…nice
375 ml bottles @ $14 U.S.  not nice…

I actually emailed them and they said they are working on it…hopefully it will be sooner than later.  They offer a lot of stuff I can’t get here on the east coast.

Bump - I’ll be using this site for a Father’s Day gift.  :wink: