New bulk grain supplier

Saw this on a couple other boards and wanted to let everybody here know, too.  Check out .  They go live tomorrow, but through today you can go there to get a discount code that won’t be available after they open.  I don’t really have much other info.

$65 or a sack of Best Malz Pilsner? I thought they were much cheaper when I bought them from North Country a while back.

But at least they carry Weyermann. There I was not surprised about the $59 price tag.


Free shipping, though, as I understand.  I’ll be curious to see how things work out once they open.

Cool thanks denny!

Thank you Denny!

I’ll give them a try.

If you click the “shipping” link it says shipping charges are based on weight

Yeah, but if you actually click on a sack of malt, it says Free Shipping.

I’d like to see an “About Us” section on their website…unless I’m totally missing it.

Even with free shipping, prices are a little higher than I get at North Country ( at least as long as they are still willing to sell to me ).  Nice to have options though.

Cool, I’ll probably give 'em a shot the next time I need grain.

After my recent password problem(which went away all by itself) I’m suspicious, and there are some things about this site that bother me.  Maybe it’s just that they’re still in the early phases of building a business but if you click on their hops there is no info at all, just the price.  No AA info, product descriptions, there’s just not much here.  And the" today only" discount code with free shipping of 50-50 pound sacks of malt seem like a great hook, but since the site has no track record whatsoever I’m gonna pass for now.  I’d really like to buy 3 or 4 sacks with free shipping and a 10% discount but I can’t make myself give up my credit card info.

If you apply for federal brewers notice you still can shop in County Malt Supply group  ;D

Ditto.  Can’t trust a website without a physical address, even if they are really legit.

I’ll check it again tomorrow to see if they add this information with phone #, address, etc.

There’s some more info on the NB forum:

Looks like they are $20-30 more per sack than the local shop for me…

The prices seem high but as shipping in incl. that does help,

More important to me is that they’ve got a good selection of maltsters.  All our local shops dish up Muntons Marris Otter and Briess 2-row, neither of which do I want to use.  Because of that, I order bulk online and, with the free shipping, they look cheaper than when I order from North Country.

The opening has been pushed back ti Jan. 1.  From the website…

“Our opening has been pushed back as we are securing some new suppliers so we can open with a bigger selection and better pricing. It will be worth the wait, trust us. To help get the word out, here is a Grand Opening Coupon Code good for 10% off your entire purchase.”

They’re about $15+/ sack cheaper than any shop around here, but at least $10 more than I was getting from NorthCountryMalt.

its all dependent on where you live relative to NCM vs. the 50lb guys

for me, everyone of their prices is slightly less than NCM.

Their prices are at least twice what I was paying at the brewpub down the road(40 miles) but the new brewer there has no love for homebrewers and will not let us piggyback on his malt orders like the 3 previous brewers would.  After 10 years of buying ultra cheap malt I may have to pay retail again.  Last year I bought 4 sacks, 210 pounds and paid a total of $102.  I should have bought 400 pounds.