Cival War Reenactment Photos.

Anybody ever go to see one of these things? I went to one that they have every year by my house. It was my first time seeing it but I have listened to it for five years now.

Its really cool,I was so impressed by the authenticity. It was very real. These guys work hard at this hobby makes brewing look like a walk in the park.

Anyways, got some good pics. Enjoy.

Really cool. And a real dedication.

I watched that last fall dead, he laid there for at least an hour and he didn’t move once. I walked off, he may have stayed that way for much longer.

Maybe he really died of heat stroke.  I watched the Gettysburg re-enactment one year.  It was at least 100 degrees out and these guys were wearing wool uniforms.  I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts and I felt like I was about to die.  You really do have to admire their dedication to the hobby.

And it was extremely cool to watch.  Especially after spending the weekend touring the battlefield and learning about how it went down.

I watched the “Outlaw Josey Wales” with my kids tonight. That counts for somethin’. Dyin’ ain;t much of a livin’, boy. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.

Reenactment people are funny. They get SO into it, they will start fights with people over how authentic they are. Little stuff like “hey those buttons on your uniform aren’t period appropriate” or “you can’t use that, that wasn’t invented for another 50 years” type comments. The second comment was for some kitchen utensils being used to cook lunch. The real competition, I think, is how authentic you can make your campsite.

Great pictures, Cap.  
One question:  who decides which “soldier” plays dead?

Interesting…I just got Outlaw Josey Wales in the mail today from Netflix.  I love Eastwood but haven’t seen it yet.

Well, it’s one of his best! You’re gonna love it!

If you haven’t seen it yet, you just need to choke yourself!! 
Sorry.  That was my intrawebs Tourette’s.
You should at least go to the box, you know. Two minutes, by yourself, you know and you feel shame, you know.

Back on track- Those reenactments are pretty cool.  I went to one about 25 years ago while visiting family in the South, and was thoroughly impressed.  Growing up in Arizona didn’t give much of an opportunity for me to see any more.

Yeah, funny you guys mention movies. That is what I was thinking the whole time I was there. It is like a movie shoot, only they play through instead of stopping all of the time.

There were 1500 actors, or whatever they call themselves and I was talking to a few of them. Nearly half of those guys above have been in the civil war movies. Including the one with Martin Sheen, cant remember the name. There is another big cicil war movie in the works and a lot of the guys from here will be filming that movie this summer. Pretty cool.

I like Clint Eastwood but my favorite western, (the first one I ever saw as a kid) is My Name is Nobody. A little campy but still a great movie.

That’s gotta hurt in a reenactment… :smiley:

I love Clint Eastwood in the Leone films (Outlaw Josey Wales was good, but I have to admit I prefer the fake, stylized Man with No Name trilogy, scored by Morricone!) but the best Western hero in existence is Toshiro Mifune in Yojimbo!


I’m interested in what that small caliber cannon is, about the 10th picture in…it looks more like a WWII antitank gun!

Wait…wait a sec…is it a trailer of some kind and what I’m thinking the barrel is a hitch?  If that is the case the “lid” of the box appeared like armor plating.  Seriously, what is that?

EDIT: OK, I need to look closer, that’s obviously not a gun, its a trailer with a chest for supplies or whatnot.  I was thinking they were preparing for Union Pzkpfw IV Ausf F’s coming over the ridge or something!

My Name is Nobody, and Nobody Is Still My Name - a couple o’ westerns I loved as a kid.  Haven’t seen them in forever.

Outlaw Josey Wales is one of my favorite westerns.  I like Jeremiah Johnson, too, kinda western/mountain man with Robert Redford (circa 1971-2)  Saw it in the theatre when it was new.

My Name is Nobody is good for kids too. A few bad words but nothing serious.

My favorite line in that movie: “I know one thing, If you are up to your eyeballs in shit, keep your mouth shut.”

Words to live by.

fatdogale, do you mean “Trinity is still my Name”?

Didnt know that there was another nobody film.

Man I love these Terence Hill and Bud Spencer movies.

I’ve never been to an anactment but have always been fascinated with American History especially the Civil War Era. That was a very important turning point and without it God only knows where we’d all be now.

Abraham Lincoln is often named the greatest president of all time. I wonder how things would be if Abe would’ve survived the assasination.

Anyway, nice pics Capp. Where was this enactment?

I love those spagetti westersn too.  Partial favorites are outlaw josey wales, fistful of dollars/few dollars more/good bad ugly series, the hamg em high, 2 mules for sister sarah (which I always considered his Audry Hepburn moment if he were to parallell rooster cogburn).

anyway, cool pics.  I wonder what it takes to get a permit to own one of those cannons.  Can I build one myself?  that would rock.  I could pig hunt with one of those.

I think that is an unhitched wagon. What you initially thought was a barrel is the tongue. I would guess that the box contains cannon balls or something very heavy. Its a small box on large axles and wheels. Otherwise it would be a waste of equipment and horses to carry such a small package.

Josey wales was not a “Spaghetti Western” though. It was filmed in the US and directed by Clint Eastwood, mot Sergio Leone.

And the spaghetti westerns were all filmed in Spain not Italy like people think. They are more like gaspacho westerns really.

Another good western, if you are into something a little weird is ‘El Topo’.

While ‘My Name is Nobody’ is for kids. El Topo is not.

My Four favorite westerns are 1. My name is nobody. 2. Dead Man 3. El Topo 4. High Plains Drifter

Put them on your list. Trust me.

Bluesman, they have it every year at Neshaminy State Park, Just along the river in Bensalem.  Maybe you could come up next year. Im thinking about maybe setting up an authentic blacksmith station or something and getting dressed up. My dad wants to do that.