Just had a great shower beer

And I had to let everyone know. I just love me a good shower beer. Been a while since I had one. Was freezing the twins off, so I got in a really hot shower, with a Dechutes Inversion IPA, and all was good after.  ;D

I like doing that in the summer after a day of hot yardwork - a cool shower with a Deschutes Twilight, or an Alaskan Summer Ale…or any beer along those lines really

A shower beer…  I never thought of that.  Great idea!

I often hike out across Kilauea’s lava fields to photograph and video the active flows.  This often means hiking 10 -15 miles across rough terrain with a backpack full of equipment (and always a widget can of Guinness - Pele likes her stout).

When I get home from an expedition I jump into a steaming tub to soak the miles off of my sore and tired muscles and feet.  It is usually a three-beer soak.  Sweet relief!

“My name is Carl.”
“Hi Carl!”
“I am a lava junky…”

Lava’s a Many Splendored Thing

Give it a shot sometime. It’s life changing.

I’d like a good soak and a beer right now. Guess the beer will have to do…

Ah, the “power shower,” one of those college rituals I still try to follow every now and then. Best done with a tall boy-style can, of course.

My name is Mark, and I am a shower beer drinker.

I do not drink beer or coffee in the shower for fear of accidental dilution.

I’m more of an incidental shower beer drinker.  If I happen to be drinking a beer when it’s time to take a shower, it goes with me. :wink:

Tom…you took the thoughts right out of my head.  8)

As a matter of fact the beer came with me to the shower last night. An English IPA.  :wink:

Ah, one needs to know how to adapt on the fly.  I like it!

That’s why your shower beer should always be bottled or canned. Less chance of stray soap hitting it that way. Also a good reason to make an IPA your choice of shower beers. If soap does land in it, less noticeable.

I misread the thread title-I thought it said I just had a great beer shower, not exactly the same thing as a shower beer.  I love drinking a beer in the shower after a day of yardwork like yesterday, but for me pretty much any beer I drink outside the shower works in the shower.

You just need more experience showering with your beer youngster. :smiley:

That reminds me, I have two empty pint glasses stashed in the spare cabinet under the sink, not wanting to be seen leaving the bathroom with an empty. ::)  I better get those tonight. :wink:

I remember slamming a bottle of Brass Monkey in the shower. Was getting ready to go to the strip club on a Friday night. Woke up face down on the floor of my bedroom. Never even got a chance to pull my pants on… ;D

What is that to you?  I know the song, and I’ve heard of some mixed rinks by that name . . .

[quote]Lyrics - Brass Monkey

(chorus) Brass Monkey - that funky Monkey
Brass Monkey - junkie That funky Monkey

Got this dance that’s more than real
Drink Brass Monkey - here’s how you feel
Put your left leg down - your right leg up
Tilt your head back - let’s finish the cup
M.C.A. with the bottle - D. rocks the can
Adrock gets nice with Charlie Chan
We’re offered Moet - we don’t mind Chivas
Wherever we go with bring the Monkey with us
Adrock drinks three - Mike D. is D.
Double R. foots the bill most definitely
I drink Brass Monkey and I rock well
I got a Castle in Brooklyn - that’s where I dwell

(repeat chorus)

Cause I drink it anytime - and anyplace
When it’s time to get ill - I pour it on my face
Monkey tastes Def when you pour it on ice
Come on y’all it’s time to get nice
Coolin’ by the lockers getting kind of funky
Me and the crew - we’re drinking Brass Monkey
This girl walked by - she gave me the eye
I reached in the locker - grabbed the Spanish Fly
I put it with the Monkey - mixed it in the cup
Went over to the girl, “Yo baby, what’s up?”
I offered her a sip - the girl she gave me lip
It did begin the stuff wore in and now she’s on my tip

(repeat chorus)

Step up to the bar - put the girl down
She takes a big gulp and slaps it around
Take a sip - you can do it - you get right to it
We had a case in the place and we went right through it
You got a dry Martini - thinking you’re cool
I’ll take your place at the bar - I smack you off your stool
I’ll down a ‘40 dog" in a single gulp
And if you got beef you’ll get beat to a pulp
Monkey and parties and reelin’ and rockin’
Def, def - girls, girls - all y’all jockin’
The song and dance keeping you in a trance
If you don’t buy my record I got my advance
I drink it - I think it - I see it - I be it
I love Brass Monkey but I won’t give D. it
We got the bottle - you got the cup
Come on everybody let’s get ffffff

(repeat chorus)

It’s a premixed bottle. Tastes great and packs a whallop. Don’t know if it is made any more.

What a great t-shirt. Can they be procured through the internets?

I love it.