commercial examples of Maibock/Helles Bock

This is a style that I have pretty much no familiarity with.

Any recommendations outside of the listed examples in BJCP guidelines?
Altenmünster Maibock, Ayinger Maibock, Capital Maibock, Blind Tiger Maibock, Einbecker Mai-Urbock, Hacker-Pschorr Hubertus Bock, Mahr’s Bock

Any widely distributed domestic versions are encouraged.

I have brewed a beer than I think most closely resembles a maibock but need to do some comparison. I wouldn’t worry about it but I need to claim a base style for what I think will be entered in 29B.

EDIT - I just realized it might be hard to find some examples due to the time of year. Any year round examples?

I will apologize for being a Grammer Fanatic, even though my German is not too strong.

If you search for the German ones, it would be better to use Heller Bock.

Das Bier is neutral, so Helles Bier
Der Bock, masculine for the Billy Goat, so Heller Bock. That is what the style is called in Germany.

BJCP has Americanized the name.

I see that Trader Joe’s has the JB Heller Bock, no idea if that is good. Andechs makes one, as does Augustiner. No idea where to find one in good shape.

Yes I failed to realize the time of year when originally posting. My beer is reasonably different than Heller Bock ingredient wise but that’s what I feel like it tastes like. At least what I think it would taste like…

I know Rogue calls Dead Guy a Maibock but I thought that is kind of their interpretation…

John Maier said that the first time the brewed it they got a German Lager yeast, and that was expensive. The next time they used Pacman, and it sold just as well.

It is so intentionally seasonal, that I doubt you will find a fresh example until next March or so when the American examples start to show up on the early side of spring…  while I don’t advocate using beer ranking sites, you could review Beer Advocate under Maibock and get a pretty extensive listing of both German and American versions of the Maibock style.

Rogue Dead Guy is a reasonably good beer, but I don’t know that I would call it an epic example of the style.

The only true commercial example of a Maibock was a fresh keg of Hofbrau Maibock at a restaurant.

Weirdly, a fresh bottle of Dead Guy reminds me the most of that beer. No, it isn’t the same, but to me it seems to be in the same spirit.

If you like Dead Guy Ale, that is great - it approaches the style from an ale perspective, of course.  As to stylistic comparisons for it, the Maibocks from Capital Brewing out of Middleton Wisconsin, Smuttynose and Summit and Schell’s Maifest are lagers that pretty well exemplify the style.  You might find one of them out there in a craft beer store or seller.  They tend to hold up reasonably well at least until the early fall - or so has been my experience.  Smuttynose Maibock is the biggest abv of those named.

Gordon Biersch makes one year round, don’t they?

I will have to try dead guy again soon although it is considerably overpriced in my opinion. I don’t believe I can get any of the other beers. Thanks for the help though

No Rogue beer is worth what they charge. I don’t get it. They charge astronomical prices compared to anyone else, it’s always seemed…

Dead Guy is to maibock what dog biscuits are to pizza.


So pretty similar?  :wink:

I agree fully. Luckily I don’t care for their beer so I don’t have to decide on whether to spend the extra couple of dollars or not.

Note that I was not saying it was great, just that if the poster liked it, then great.  To each his own, but as an ale attempting to be like a Maibock, it is often cited.  I haven’t had a Rogue beer in a long time, so I couldn’t compare it from memory.

I understood what you were getting at. They refer to is as a Maibock inspired beer and use their pacman ale yeast.

IMO, it’s not even a good version of an ale pretending to be a maibock.  Now, if you like the beer, that’s great…but like it what it is, not what it’s not.

I agree with that, for sure.  Just like some beers just don’t fit a recognized style, but are enjoyed by some beer drinkers regardless.  I make a cross between a mild and a bitter that I don’t enter in contests, but I and many others really enjoy.  It just doesn’t fit either style…

That’s about half of my beers

Dead Guy reminds me of that one Maibock I had. I’m sure if I tried the two back to back I’d agree they’re nothing alike. But for whatever reason, whenever I drink Dead Guy I’m reminded of a nice spring day where I enjoyed one of the best beers I’ve ever had.

FWIW, I’ve never had any luck with Dead Guy in bottles, for whatever reason those growlers always taste the best.