controlling ferm temps 60-75F - HOW?

Might seem like a dumb question but my basement is a steady 63-65F.  Trying to brew belgian styles which  commonly ask for starting ferm temps of 60-65, with a slow upward progression (a degree per day etc).  So I cool the wort to 64F and pitch, and planned to leave it alone in the basement, on a concrete floor, thinking the relative coolness of the basement and the floor acting as a heat sink, both will hamper the yeasts natural rise upwards in temp.

It doesnt happen like that; the yeast make a quick rise in a day or less to the mid seventies temp.  I know I need to set some cooling action on it, that I can control, and I do have a chest freezer connected to an inkbird controller.  However, thats usually used to cold crash and lager in the 50s.  I cant imagine the freezer  “cooling” anything at as high a temp as 65-75.  Can that even be done?

Im curious what methods you guys use to CONTROL the ferm temp, as it climbs?

My ferm chamber is a refrigerator, with a Ferwrap heating sheet taped to the back wall, and a two-stage Inkbird to control heating and cooling.  I can maintain any temperature from the coldest that the fridge will go, up through room temperature,  up to way warmer than I’ve ever needed.  Many people here on the forum do the same with a chest freezer and a Fermwrap, heating pad, reptile rock, or heat source of your choice. I just happened to get a deal on a scratch and dent fridge, chest freezers are usually the bargain. It can definitely be done.

Your chest freezer can be set up for those temps, even without a heat source, I bet.  Tape the probe to the fermenter, as the activity of the yeast can push upwards of 6-8 degrees above ambient.  Definitely at least 4-5 degrees above.  You can adjust with your inkbird.  I use a simple lightbulb for heat with lagers in the chest freezer in the winter (much like Rob, but I use a simple thermostat for the bulb side that is designed for use with a baseboard heater).

No, I dont need to add any heat.  I need to somehow add cooling in this middle range of temps 65-75…

The yeast are pushing up to 75-80 on their own - how to stop or control that by degrees? - Im asking if a freezer or refrigerator can even be run at that high of a temp?  I mean, Im guessing Id have to set the freezer for 60F to keep the ferm from going higher than mid sixties?  I havent tried that yet because I didnt think the appliance would even function at that setting.  I know the inkbird will kick it on, so I guess I’ll just try it.

Yeah, the Inkbird is the key.  The freezer or fridge will indeed want to keep going until it’s really cold, as designed.  But it will start to run at any ambient temperature,  just like it does the first time you ever plug a new one in.  So the Inkbird just turns its power supply on and off so you only get a brief period of cooling when needed to keep it right where you want it.  After all you’ve already been using it to hold temperatures in the 50s you say.  A little warmer is no big deal.

Funny, AFTER asking the question here, I took that journey through reasoning.  Gotta train myself to do that before posting up…thanks guys.