Way to go Denny! Hope I get there someday, really only about 35 batches into my homebrewing career in the last 3 years, but I have no desire to stop anytime soon. By the way, does anyone know what he settled on to brew for number 500? I had posed this to him a couple months ago and he was not certain at the time
I have no idea how many batches exactly. I can only guestimate. I usually only keep detailed records of when I tweak a recipe. When I’m brewing an existing one, I only track the OG/FG on a whiteboard on the fermenter and erase them after.
Same here. Over the 23 years I’ve moved several times and lost a couple brewing journals along the way, so I don’t have an exact count. But it’s (I think) north of 350. I also went back to college twice and brewing was pretty sparse during those years, but not extinct altogether. Regardless, a lot of homebrews have come and gone (figuratively and literally).
Yeah, I’ve been brewing 21 years. I slacked off since I scaled up a few years ago. I brew fewer than 20 batches a year now (probably average more like 15 or 16). When I used to brew 5 gallon batches, I’d brew 2 in a long brew day since I was already cleaning equipment, so might as well make it worth it. So, those were probably more like 30-40 batch years. Paused brewing for about a year when my daughter was born, and again when we moved here. So, it could be anywhere between 400 and 600 batches. I used to brew the same things regularly for a long time just for the house and friends, so I didn’t log a lot of them. I’ve started keeping better records now that I’ve started judging and entering competitions again the last few years.
Thanks, everyone. I’m gonna write up the brew day for my blog, but I’ll tell you one thing…I remembered why I put the “no drinking while brewing” rule in place!
lol…yeah, since your method seems to involve a lot of lifting and/or moving hot liquor and wort around, that makes sense. Mine is almost all gravity fed, so I tend to take it really lightly until the boil kettle burner is lit (as in, I don’t open a beer until the mash is underway, and I nurse them until the boil). Even then I don’t tend to stray much beyond my typical daily consumption.