Deschutes Twilight Clone

Kind of started this in the ingredients section

Roughly thinking
85% two row
10% crystal 30
5% dextrine
Northern Brewer - bittering
Cascade - 30 min
Amarillo - 10 and flameout

OG 1.050
IBUs ~35
Any input? I am not sure if I would actually brew this but I would like to do something similar to Twilight as I enjoy it very much. Definitely one of my favorite Summer seasonals.

You can’t go wrong with Amarillo and Cascade for flavor IMO.

I think you’re on the right track.  Too lazy to look it up but I want to say there is some Tett in Twilight too?

I do know Deschutes’ usual base malt is Great Western NW Pale Ale, so I would probably use something a bit more flavorful than “plain” 2-row.


Yes there is Tett according to Deschutes. Any idea where it would go? I don’t have any experience with that hop. Mainly I just need some direction on ratio of grain and hop schedule. I just looking to get reasonably close…

Recipe type: All grain
Batch size: 5 U.S. gallons
Original gravity: 1.046-1.054
Final gravity: 1.011-1.017
Boil time: 90 minutes
Fermentation temp: 65° F
Yeast type: English Ale

NW 2-row Pale Malt
Carastan Malt
Dextrin Malt
Northern Brewer

Cascade and amarillo are the stars here… I would bitter with tett, NB around 30min and very late addition wtih cascade and amarillo and maybe even dry hop with amarillo.

Interesting that Deschutes lists Brambling Cross on the beer’s description page but not on the homebrew clone page.  Hmm.
Have some of this beer in my fridge I’m looking forward to tonight.  Deschutes just finally showed up in state in the last week or two.
Hop aroma seems pretty big and I would have to think some of that Amarillo is a dry hop.

Looking through other Deschutes recipes I see a lot of 90, 30, 5, 0 additions.  Can’t really glean any other info though - Obsidian uses NB at 5min, Black Butte uses Cascade at 30 and Tett at 5, so who knows.

good luck…