Diamond Lager at Ale temps?

Brewing up an Irish Red this Sunday.
Probably another split batch, with Diamond Lager and S-04 Yeast.
Does Diamond ferment well at warmer temps, say 60 to 65 degrees?

Yep. Should be OK for that style.

YES, go for it.  Great split batch experiment, I’d be curious to taste the results or hear your tasting notes of the final beers.  Both have performed very cleanly for me in upper 60s or even low 70s.  Both might produce a little sulfur but if so it will age out after a few weeks.  Same with diacetyl, IF it happens.

Did the Diamond producer Lager flavors for you when fermented warm?

Assuming we both define lager flavors them same way,  I didn’t find that it did as much as at colder temps.

Yes, tastes like good lager.  It might turn around a little faster than when fermented cold, but like I said, might still take a bit of aging before all the sulfur and/or diacetyl age out.  Still, you should be able to get a good “lager” within approximately 4 weeks with it, maybe 5 weeks.

I would swear mine tasted a bit fruity, unlike when I ferment at lower temps.

You and Denny both talked me into it. Should be a good experiment. Brewing either tomorrow or Monday morning.

denny and dmtaylor: Thanks much for your comments. The difference in perception (or difference in the actual flavors) is very interesting.

Though not with Diamond (yet), I routinely ferment W34/70 and S-189 at 60°F. I don’t get any off flavors.

That is another option, as I have W-34/70 on hand. But since switching to Diamond, with the results we get, 34/70 has not been used in some time.

The Diamond took off like an Atlas Rocket! Maybe a 6 hour lag, then strong activity.

The London Ale is still getting acclimated to it’s new surroundings…

Temp is 62.

Sounds about right.  The London(? or S-04?) won’t be far behind.

Yes, S-04. I think it will kick off any minute now. Signs of positive pressure building in the fermenter.

Pulled a small sample from the Diamond side, after 3 days fermenting at 62F.

Here are the numbers -

OG: 1.049
FG: 1.009
ABV: 5.39%

That was wicked fast! And yes, it was a harvested slurry, and we over pitch.

This promises to be a very drinkable beer.


The ferment temp was 62, then 65. The Diamond Lager Yeast retained it’s full lager character profile. Just pulled small sample of both the S-04 and the Diamond.

Both are good.

The same beer, split in separate 5 gallon batches. But two totally different beers in the end.

Cold crashing now.