Domestic substitute for Simpson's Golden Promise? Does it matter?

I use a quite a bit of Simpson’s Golden Promise in British-style ales that I brew. I noticed that the price has shot up to the point where domestic craft malts are competitive or cheaper. I recently tried to order some Maris Otter from FH Steinbart and they told me that they didn’t have any but offered to substitute Skagit Valley Malting Talisman True British Ale malt (Talisman True British Ale — Skagit Valley Malting) for the same price. That started me thinking about whether there is a substitute for Golden Promise, too. I know that the British malts are grown in cool and moist conditions, and my favorite craft maltsters in California and Oregon don’t have those, but Skagit Valley does.

I began to wonder if there any domestic craft maltsters that make something very similar to Simpson’s Golden Promise. Would the Skagit Valley malt be good enough for that, too? Then I began to wonder if it really matters at all. Conventional wisdom, as in the Daniels book “Designing Great Beers”, is that you should use ingredients from the region associated with the style you are making. But I’m not trying to make an exact clone of a British beer. I just want to make beer that tastes good, so maybe I can stick with my favorite local maltsters. I know that base malt matters, but do I need to have a supply chain that goes across the world when I have local maltsters that make great products?

I don’t know if this will answer your question but I just started playing around with craft malt and it is definitely worth the effort and extra expense. I don’t know if there are any domestic malts that compare to Golden Promise but there are definitely some unique mats out there that I think you will really enjoy. So heck yeah! Try it!

It also depends on the actual recipe. A porter with dark crystal, chocolate malt, and a bit of victory is less dependent on a specific base grain than an ordinary bitter with just a touch of light crystal.

thats what im getting from most people here, that theyre choosing a really great craft malt and using it for the whole flavour canvas.

here in canada, im sure we’ll get some craft malt sent up here in another decade or so.  :-\

I think I answered my own question by writing it out and posting here. Mecca Grade Estate’s Lamonta Pale Ale malt is described:
The new standard for brewing pale ales and British specialty beers; Lamonta is a remarkable and complex North American craft malt that is golden, sweet, and slightly biscuity. (Color: 3.0 SRM, PPG: 37)
I’ll give it a try in my next ESB and see whether I like it. At $1.99/lb it is cheaper than Simpson’s Golden Promise for sizes less than a 55 lb bag.

wow, i get golden promise for $1.79 a lb in CAD, so like $1.50 american i think

maybe check a diff. supplier?

When I was developing my American Mild  recipe, Lamonta turned out to be a key element. Not because it tasted British, but because it was delicious. I also use it for WCIPA, so take descriptions with a grain of salt.  Are you ordering direct from Mecca Grade?

I have found Fawcett Golden Promise for less than Simpson’s, but I like the Simpson’s better. I usually purchase from MoreBeer, but I checked some other big suppliers and their prices are also over $2/lb. I have not purchased malt directly from Mecca Grade. I have been getting it through FH Steinbart because I can get free shipping if the order is large enough. That makes  up for the lower prices directly from Mecca Grade, unless I order a 50lb bag. Perhaps a big bag is the way to go, once I have a place to store it.