So i am racking my porter to a secondary fermenter tonight. I am putting 4gallons in one fermenter and a separate 1 gallon batch in another. I am going to dry hop the 1 gallon batch in the name of science. I plan on using Willamette and no more than an ounce. The IBUs right now are 25.5 and the projected ABV is 6.3.
Has anyone done this and if so, any comments or thoughts are much appreciated. If I lose the gallon I am not to unhappy as I will still have 4 gallons in the other container.
I don’t think Williamette hops will clash with the roastiness. In my experience, I have found that citrusy hops clash with roasted malts and I don’t get any citrus flavor from Williamette hops.
I have not dryhopped with Willamette, but I use a couple ounces real late in my porter.
IMO, I think the “earthy” thing goes well with porter. Let us know how it works out. Science has to be shared.
I use Chinook and Columbus for aroma and dry hops in my brown ale and American Stout. Its a great break from the everyday stouts I’m used to at the store/brewpubs. I dry hop with 2oz per 5gal
For the stout - I’ll also throw in some Cascade or Centennial (actually a tip gleaned from a GREAT brewpub in town). I don’t think it clashes at all.
I say split off a few gallon batches and try different hops, then blend together.
I held off for a week and I am clearing the beer tonight. Good taste and is more of a strong mild than a porter (minimal hop character). I will still be dry hopping a gallon or so. The hop choice is wide open, or at least what I have on the shelf. Maybe a nelson savin from New Zealand.
Sierra Nevada Stout uses Chinook. That’s a pretty good stout. I think dry hopping a porter is a fantastic idea. It’d almost black IPA-ish in aroma; that is if you used something like Chinook.
Damn it I did. I gave up. When one says Black IPA, you know exactly what it refers to. Whereas American-style black ale sounds silly and forced and you know how I feel about CDA’s…haha.
I am telling you it’s Noonanian Black Ale (NBA). That would never cause any confusion right? “Hey I’m drinking a couple NBA’s and watching the ball game. you wanna come over?”
Sooooo, I didn’t dry hop the porter. I wasn’t able make it work but in the end, the porter ended up being an extra stout at 6.8%. Has a nice flavor but is going to need some time to condition. I need to get another vessel to dry hop.