FG still to high

So I brewed up a large amount of oatmeal stout 3 weeks ago and split the batch across 3 different yeast strains- WLP005, WLP540, and Wyeast Denny’s Fav.  The brew day went a little off course with initial mash temp way too high at 159 but we got it down to 152 after a bit and let it sit there for at least 60min.  At 3 weeks all signs of fermentation have long since stopped and the gravity readings are hanging at 1.023-1.024.  OG was ~1.067.

I plan to recheck it again in a week but assuming I’m at or near the end here is there any way to reduce that gravity a it further?  It’s definitely a bit sweeter and heavier than I’d like.  Done some perusing and seen ideas such as Beano (may drive it too far the other way), adding sterile and deoxygenated water, etc but a lot of these don’t seem to have a lot of solid support.  Also, I had planned on adding some post fermentation flavor with coffee, cacao nibs, maybe even oak (not all together, but in individual batches).  Any chance any of those will add a drier impression or taste to the beer?

Hoping there is a way to salvage this beer otherwise it’s going to take a long time to drink all this heavy stuff.


I’m thinking a bit of yeast energizer might help.

I doubt if yeast energizer would help unless you started with unhealthy yeast. Yeast energizer is for sugar solutions low in nutrients and wort has plenty of nutrients for yeast health.

Enzymes such as beano (amalyse) can work but when I have tried amalyze the resulting beer had an aftertaste I did not care for so I would caution you away from using that. Watering it down will definitely taste like you watered it down.

If you mashed in high there may just not be much you can do except the enzyme. You could try a new, healthy, fresh pitch of yeast and see if you can’t drive it down a couple more points.

It would help to see your grist. If there are a lot of crystal and roasted malts I don’t think those numbers are terribly surprising. You might like it better after its carbed.
You could warm it to seventiesh and rouse the yeast to see if you can gain a few points. Its easy enough.

Sounds like you made youself a winter warmer.  Coffee will give a drier impression.  Not sure about cacao nibs, but theoretically yes.  Oak if well charred is initially sweet before releasing  drying tannins. Hops with lots of beta acids can also provide bitterness.

+1;  I also think adding those flavors should help alot too.  RDWHAH.

You need to know if it’s stuck or done, which means you need to do a fast fermentation test.

How about champagne yeast?

It was a 15 gallon batch brewed on a brew easy system at LHBS (wanted to give the system a try).
Toasted quick oats 3lb
Roasted barley 3lb
Maris otter 24.75 lb
Crystal 90 1lb
Chocolate 2.5lb
Victory 1.5lb

Was supposed to mash 152F X 60 min but as I said things got screwed up early on.

That’s about 30% unfermentable or low fermentables. I don’t think there is a yeast problem. I think you have a low fermentable grist that was at least partially mashed at a high temp. like Denny said you could do a fast ferment test to know for sure if it will ferment more but I doubt it.


Champagne yeast, other downsides aside, will do nothing if you have unfermentable wort.  Do the fast fermentation test.

yep, champagne yeast isn’t some magic yeast that gets stuff to ferment out where beer yeast fails. It’s best used in high alcohol situations, but has certainly taken on a bit of a cure-all reputation.

Sounds good.  Thanks for the advice.  I have never done one of those tests before but basically sounds like I just draw off some wort, add a bunch of yeast (any particular type?), stick it on a stir plate and see what it drops to?  Safe assumption to go with maybe a more attenuating strain (US05-have some lying around) and if I do get a few points out of it, pitch the same into the remaining beer?

Keep in mind that you can have conversion in as low as 10 minutes. You said you doughed in at 159 but got the temp down “after a bit” so depending how how long “a bit” we are talking about combined with that recipe you are probably just done. A fast fermentation test is the only way to know for sure.

Don’t even really need a stir plate.  Just add a buttlaod of any yeast (even bread yeast) and keep it warm.

Mason jars work great for fast ferment test. I use US05

For some reason, seems like I never have 05 around when I do this, but there’s always a jar of baking yeast in the fridge.

Well I usually have a brick or two laying around. :wink:

Yeah, you would!  :slight_smile: