My first lager (a doppleboch) is fermenting away in my ferm chamber. I used Wyeast 2206 with, I believe, a proper starter (fermentation started in under 12 hours). I’m planning on 3-4 week primary at 54 deg. I’m not in a hurry, I’m going to lager it until Lent :D. My question is on the d-rest. Since this is my first lager, shouldn’t I do a d-rest just to make sure there’s no diactyl?
You can if you like. What I usually do is take a gravity reading at the end of primary and taste it. If I taste d, I do the rest. FWIW, I don’t recall ever having d with 2206. One of the reasons I use it so frequently.
What temperature did you pitch the yeast at? If it was in the warmer range (i.e. above 55F) then you might want to consider performing a diacetyl rest just to be sure you don’t have any buttery notes after waiting all that time for your precious dopplebock. I usually start to raise the temps of my fermentation as the krausen drops back into the beer indicating that fermentation is slowing down.
I usually check my gravity at the 7 day mark and if I am at 80% of the FG I start to raise my temp a degree or two per day until I hit 68*F whether it’s needed or not. Let it sit for three days then check for the expected FG. If it’s steady for three days Rack to secondary or keg and lager for 4 weeks +.
I pitched the yeast at 54, and that is the temp at which it has been fermenting.