Flaked oats

Can you used store bought flaked oats such as Quaker Oats and have the same results as flaked oats from a HBS?

According to how to brew, flaked oats are the same thing as instant oatmeal oats.


+1.  I’ve used Quaker in oatmeal stout many times.

+2 - Bob’s Red Mill Instant Rolled Oats for me

I always have bulk organic oats around but they are not instant. Would that matter?

Quick oats would require cooking I believe. Might be able to get away with following the normal steps and add to the mash.

All rolled oats are cooked before being flattened, including traditional, quick oats, and instant. The difference is only how thin and small the pieces are (how close the rollers are). So all types are already gelatinized and can be added directly to the mash. I use Quaker traditional (the kind that takes 5 minutes to cook) because its what I have on hand for oatmeal - I like the texture better than quick or instant. But for beer, texture doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t use instant only because its probably more expensive.

I have always used quick oats in my oat beers. No problem.

I was going off of what Palmer said in How to Brew. I have used Instant because it is what I keep for breakfast.