Getting ready to do a wit beer and the recipe calls for flaked oats. Is this the same as the Quaker Oats I get at the grocery store or should I use what my LHBS stocks?
I have used Quaker Oats with no problem. Just add them to the mash.
I’ve used quick oats from the store with no problem.
+1 to quick oats. No issues.
Well, we’ve got 1 Quaker Oats and 2 quick oats. I know they are different somehow, but I can’t tell you how they are different. I do know I’ve got one of them down in the kitchen, but for the purpose of putting them into the mash, can I assume they can be used interchangeably?
That’ll make life a bit easier. Thanks.
IIRC, they differ in the amount of starches that have been gelatinized during processing. I think the quick oats have the most gelatinization.