Forum Icon

Has anyone noticed the AHA Forum tabs icon has changed to one that looks very much like the tabs icon for Fox News?

Weird.  Now the icon is back to the AHA bottlecap icon.
I just installed an Acrobat update.  Maybe that corn fused my computer.

Never mind. 
As you were gentlemen.

Nice, you got my underwear twisted and now to untwist the underwear. Damn it is cold outside!

It’s warm enough to go free-balling here.

Since when did you start wearing underware?

It makes no sense at all to wear underwear if you ain’t gonna wear pants.

This corn…you are cutting the middles?

If not, it can add to the confusion.

So I’m tole.

Alrighty then.  ;D

Keepin’ the hearts.  Usin’ the heads & tails for charcoal lighter…  :wink:

Why would your underwear get twisted over an icon? I’m confused.

I loves me a good non sense ical thread.

In that vein, I give you this:

I don’t understand anything any of you are saying.

Cuz ur a frenchie.  :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m amurcun born en bread

everyone get out of here, there’s a lobster loose

Then get your butt back home. :smiley:

I knew I smelled something.

Oh Rodchester…

