I just noticed that profile pictures/images no longer show when I’m on AHA. Is this a setting in my own profile or is it more of a global setting? I went to my profile and looked around and I see that I have an image on my account but it does not display in the forum nor does anyone else’s. Is it just me? Cheers.
I don’t see the image (two glasses). I see it on Tapatalk on the list of posts. It disappears in the actual post. On the web, I don’t see the image either.
Weird. I do not see it on this page. I’m on a laptop and using Chrome. When I go to my phone… no image there either. Maybe moderators can see them but mortals can’t? Everyone knows that tommymorris and I are both mortals.
I also do not see avatars in the forum. It appears to be a forum theme issue with the “Homebrewers Association 2019” default theme. If you switch to the SMF Default Curve then avatars appear correctly.
I also lost all the avatars months ago. I use Safari on an iPad. I saw the post from last year, but still nothing. Is there something I need to do to get them back? Any idea what happened?
Thanks for this. I found that setting (eventually) and changed it. It definitely brings back the avatars but it makes the forum look very different. Everything else about the forum looked and felt as it had for years but the avatars were gone. Now the avatars are back but I feel like I’m on a new forum. :D I envision Denny as this “man behind the curtain” pushing buttons, laughing, drinking beer, laughing again…
Sometimes I see a post by someone and the name alone is usually enough but not always. Checking the avatar is helpful sometimes for me to know who is posting. There was a post by someone recently and I was trying to remember who it was but the avatar was gone and that’s when I noticed that ALL of the avatars were gone.
I changed the look and feel and now I see avatars, but there is no way for me to add one to my profile. There is a single selection button for “No Avatar” and that is it.
I guess you can go back to the old theme, add your avatar and make sure it’s a part of your profile and then change the theme back. UH, EXCUSE ME DENNY! CAN WE GET A NEW FORUM?! THIS ONE HAS HAD IT!
But, but, but… The 90’s throw back feel is so comfortable to us in the “Get off my lawn” generation. ;D
The avatars have been gone me for quite awhile but I can’t stand the other theme. It feels like I’m on a car gurus site being ridiculed for just wanting to find the right exhaust manifold seal and not wanting to spend $4k for a 40hp upgrade in power. I admit that could be a “me only” issue though. :
Ah, I had been wondering about that for awhile. Just made the change, avatars are back again.
I strongly encourage everyone to make the format change/update, so that whenever I post or reply, all of you will once again see The Most Handsome Dog Who Ever Lived. (TMHDWEL)