I finally pulled the trigger on buying some of this: got a real good sale price.
I’m really enjoying this. It reminds me just how much I enjoy simcoe and amarillo together.
Awesome beer at any price. Any time I’m having a party at the house I stock up on All Day IPA so folks can knock back a couple and not get knackered. I also use it in my hummus recipe.
SNPA is a tasty beer. Love the perfect hop profile. But everyone has their hangups and mine is crystal. Anything over 4-5% is too much. After one, this beer has me reaching for a bag of pretzels. But I do enjoy that one.
Session IPA is an oxymoron, kinda like lite pale stout.
The last time I had any was a year ago in eastern TN, even at 2 tallboys for 3 bucks it’s worthiness was questionable. I don’t think it’s even available here, which is fine by me.
It’s 4.7% and 42 IBUs which would have been a pretty good pale ale back in the early days of craft beer,but kind of weak (watery?) compared to today’s standards.
My wife kindly told me to get something to hold me over until my latest batch was ready and at $16 for a 15 pack this was well worth the money.