I’m lucky enough to live close to Founders and have had this on tap for a while, but its been released in bottles now. Just outstanding. 4.7%, big hop flavor, and just leaves you wanting another sip. If you can lay hands on a 6, highly recommended.
My sister just left me a 5-pack at my back door. :) She didn’t like it, but she’s not that much of a hop-head. Haven’t tried it yet, but will sometime this week. Been drinking my own and some Hopslam.
Good hop flavor and aroma. It was a little thin. Would like to do a side by side with Stone Levitation, which I remember as simialar.
I thought it was a touch thin as well, but it is a session ale (it was originally called “endurance ale” at the taproom, to my understanding the name was already being used and they had to change it to all day “ipa”). Any thoughts on the hops/malt bill? I’d really like to brew this one.
I’ll have to try this since I absolutely love their Centennial.
I really enjoyed this beer. Nice flavor and balance for a low gravity IPA.
I love a sessionable extra pale ale or “IPA”.
4.7% ABV flunks the BJCP guidelines (5.5 to 7.5% ABV), though.
Of course, a 4.7% ABV “IPA” would seem a little thin bodied/watery (less malty) compared to standard IPA’s unless mashed a little higher (more dextrins) and/or specialty malts (victory, aromatic, munich) were employed to enhance the perception of malt flavor, aroma, mouthfeel/body.