GABF Sessions - Am I Crazy?

Hey Friends,
My wife and I are new AHA members and this will be our first GABF (2018). We are definitely going to go the the afternoon AHA only session, but are also considering going to the evening session the same day. We’re assuming the evening session might be a bit more of a “party”.

Is this crazy? Have any of you ever done that?

Day or night it’s a party.  I know I couldn’t do two in a day, but then again I try to hit as many as I can.

Depends on how serious you intend to be about drinking at either session. You can drink a lot of beer in one session if you get in line early for the session and avoid the handful of booths with really long lines.

Personally if I really felt like I needed to try that many breweries that I needed two sessions then I’d hit sessions on two different days. But OTOH with the size of the event I think you might need two events to catch breweries across the entire geographic spread.

Also keep in mind there are tons of events all around town with tap takeovers, special tappings and brewery events that if you’re looking to party with craft beer you don’t have to limit yourself to the expensive GABF sessions.