I am wondering what variety of hops folks are using for their German style beers these days. I understand Hallertau Mittelfruh is very desireable. I have used US Hallertau and US Tettnang from Hops Direct. HD is allegedly waiting on a shipment from Germany. I am planning to place an order very soon and wanted to get some feedback from the forum
What if any difference has anyone found in the German vs US grown varieties?
I’ve used Hallertauer Hersbrucker (not Mittlefruh), Saaz, Spalter, Tettnanger, and Magnum - All German varieties. I know there are some differences between the German and US varieties, but can’t offer specific comments because I’ve only used the German varieties purchased at the LHBS. I’ve also used some Sterling in a Hefeweizen as a sub for Saaz with good results. Even a particular variety will differ somewhat with where it is grown because of variation in weather, soil, and other growing conditions.
i think its mostly a matter of freshness. I used to think brewhobby was crazy when he said he preferred US tett to GR, especially since he was such an ardent traditionalist with regard to lager brewing, but in the past 2 years, I’ve brewed a lot of lagers (these days i’m about 60/40 lager/ale split) and I have to say, I’m starting to agree with him.
I’ve not tried USHall before though.
I’m still debating about reloading my lager hops with GR when they become available or just getting domestic (US Tett/Hood/Liberty/Crystal).