Got my Klassic Ale yeast . . . Got any bitter recipes?

I received my Klassic Ale from the White Labs vault last week. Now I’d love to see some tried and tested bitter recipes, as it is a style that I just don’t ever brew.  I’ve got fresh Styrian Goldings and EKGs on hand, so if the recipes include those hops it would be a bonus.  Thanks in advance!

Lucky!! I would baby that yeast.  I have only tried it’s fruits.  I’ve never worked with it, good luck.  Sorry I don’t have much to offer.

Thanks! I’m looking forward to trying it out after Mark’s enthusiasm for the strain.  I think I’ve only ever brewed one English-style ale (an ESB with Windsor) and it has been a few years since that one.

I’ve got two beers planned for this.

One is a rebrew of my Red ale:

39% Maris Otter
39% Golden Promise
9.8% English Dark Crystal (165L I think?)
2.4% Roasted Barely (For color)
9.8% Flaked Barley

The other will be something in the best bitter range, with a good amount of invert syrup. Ideally I’d like to try and make my own for this batch.

My only plea to those trying this yeast, is please try an authentic recipe that uses invert. Makes for so much nicer and more drinkable of a beer.

This was originally billed as an IPA, but this is really just a standard bitter with a touch more hops. This has become one of my all-time favorites, and will be one of the beers I brew with the 033:

Title: Whitbread IPA (1957)
Author: Pattinson/England

Brew Method: BIAB
Style Name: Ordinary Bitter
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 3 gallons (fermentor volume)
Boil Size: 4 gallons
Boil Gravity: 1.027
Efficiency: 80% (brew house)

Original Gravity: 1.037
Final Gravity: 1.012
ABV (standard): 3.3%
IBU (tinseth): 36.79
SRM (morey): 6.28

2.625 lb - United Kingdom - Maris Otter Pale (77.1%)
5 oz - United Kingdom - Crystal 45L (9.2%)
7.5 oz - Invert Sugar (13.8%)

0.3 oz - Fuggles, Type: Pellet, AA: 4.5, Use: Boil for 60 min, IBU: 10.47
0.6 oz - East Kent Goldings, Type: Pellet, AA: 5, Use: Boil for 30 min, IBU: 17.88
0.6 oz - East Kent Goldings, Type: Pellet, AA: 5, Use: Boil for 10 min, IBU: 8.44

My only question is how much to pitch for a 3-gallon batch. I’m thinking maybe 1/3 of a tube.

The other bitter I will be brewing is a simple 80% Pale Ale malt, 12% sugar and 8% torrified wheat.

I may also dabble in a recipe using flaked maize. This has become a favorite ingredient of mine, and in reading Ron Pattinson’s blog it seems that a surprising number of UK breweries have used it over the years in their bitters.

There are a few here…Session Beer Day Recipe Bonanza – 14+ Recipes For You To Brew | Experimental Brewing

Thanks for posting those. I’ve been concerned about my low FGs using invert, but haven’t cared too much because the beer has been delicious. Even mashing at 146ish for 90 minutes, my FGs with ~10% invert have been around 1.004-1.006.

You ought to try invert Denny! I swear it adds a hard/rock candy flavor to the beers, and dries them up a touch.

8 lb British Pale
.5 lb Crystal 120L
.25 lb Special B

152*F for 60 min

1oz British Kent Goldings Bittering Hops boiled for 60 minutes
1oz British Kent Goldings Aroma Hops boiled the last 5 minutes

Is this specific to homemade invert, or does Lyle’s Golden syrup get you the same results?

I’ve had good results from Lyles, using a quality blackstrap to blend to darker inverts.

I’d like to try and make my own, a co-worker makes his on candi syrup and swears by it. His process is to just make up the syrup in his brew kettle, then drain his mash right onto that. Claims it doesn’t add a whole lot of time to the brew day, and there aren’t any other pots to clean that way. Someday I’ll get around to trying something similar.

The other Phil on here, Philbrew, recently made his own:

Unfortunately, White Labs picked the most inconvenient time to release my two Vault strains. I don’t have much time to brew, and my next few batches were already on the schedule for a summer cookout. For that reason, I decided to use one of my Klassic Ale vials in the IPA I brewed today. Since it seems that certain English strains work well for NE IPA’s, I figured I’d give it a shot and see how it goes. It’s not a NE IPA, but I’m shooting for similar hop flavor qualities. Hopefully, I’ll have time to brew a proper ESB in the next month or two.

Here’s the recipe:

OG: 1.062, 2.5 gallon batch
70 ppm Cl:150 ppm SO4

Swaen Pale Ale Malt: 55%
Avangard Pils: 40%
CaraRed: 5%

Whirlpool at flameout for 60 minutes:
Citra leaf: 4 oz
Denali pellets: 3 oz
Azacca leaf: 2 oz

Dry hop during active fermentation:
Citra leaf: 1 oz
Denali pellets: 1 oz
Azacca leaf: 1 oz