Hallertau Blanc

I have two ounces of Hallertau Blanc to play with, for a 10 liter batch. Any suggestions what to do with it?  Much obliged!

Make beer!

Seriously, I would make something simple, use Magnum to bitter, 1oz HB at 10min, dry hop with one oz. that will let you know what it is like.

I was afraid someone was going to write something along these lines :frowning:

OK, Buy 10 Oz more and go crazy with it. I did that with HBC-438.

I was afraid someone was going to write something along these lines :frowning:

I really like both of Jeff’s suggestions  8)

I was thinking of combining it with Amarillo, just to spite Jeff.

Do this. Ferment with 3711. Hallertau Blanc goes nice with saison yeast IME.

I 3rd  Jeff’s 1st suggestion.  KISS principles. Highlight the new ingredient.

  • another. It’s easier to eval a new ingredient when it’s not competing with many others.

I’ve been curious about this hop but haven’t tried it yet. The ‘blanc’ makes me wonder if it will be similar at all to Nelson Sauvin, perhaps less intense. Will be curious to hear your impression.

It has a similar “white wine character” but none of the other stuff that comes with nelson (for better or worse) and no where close to the intensity.

Cool, sounds good! The Hallertau line, for me is really, really hard to beat for lagers.

+1. Far less intense. It’s on a par with Mandarina in terms of intensity IMO. A lot softer around the edges.

That sounds great in a german pilsner.

I think it might be excellent with a big dose of Amarillo. Please report back!

Well played, sir.  ;D

I used Hallertau Blanc in a hoppy Belgian wit with 3522 last fall. I really liked it. I thought the hop character went super well with the yeast profile.

Would dryhopping a beer made with Kolsch yeast  (but not a Kolsch beer as such) with HB make sense, or is that just throwing away money, with the Kolsch yeast being too subtle?

It would obviously be pretty non-traditional, but the white grape character of the Blanc would be a good compliment to the yeast character, if you used a light hand. You’re right that the yeast is subtle and could get drowned out easily.