The trick or treating has begun here and the doorbell is ringing off the hook. Hope we stocked up on enough candy. I’m sure my kid will be back in an hour or so with enough to put him into a diabetic coma.
Been here since 1993 and never had even ONE trick or treater…true story
Did you turn you light on?
Same here since 1998.
Thats SPOOKY :o
We has a slow night - only about 60 kids. I bought too much candy, looks like I’m taking a bunch to work tomorrow.
Had my nephew’s band jamming in the garage for all the trick-or-treaters.
It was the highlight of the neighborhood.
Probably had a couple hundred kids come by as some were afraid to come up.
I guess the band was a little intimidating for some. 8)
Overall a fun night had by all.
Had about 100 kids last night ( and kids were stretching it for some ). Down about 30% from last year.
What’s nice is we have set hours in my town for Trick or Treating…6pm - 7:30pm. That way were not getting people at 8, 9, or 10pm. Besides I had the Pats game on Tivo and was for damn sure not going to get up to hand out the candy that I was munching on.
( and kids were stretching it for some ).
Yeah, the early ones are the little kids. The later ones, some of them probably drove themselves around trick or treating. I turned the lights off at around 8:30 when my kids went to bed.
Had about 100 kids last night ( and kids were stretching it for some ). Down about 30% from last year.
What’s nice is we have set hours in my town for Trick or Treating…6pm - 7:30pm. That way were not getting people at 8, 9, or 10pm. Besides I had the Pats game on Tivo and was for damn sure not going to get up to hand out the candy that I was munching on. :)
I really hate the fact that cities put time and age limits on trick or treating. Who comes to my house and when and if I choose to answer the door, should be up to me. Is there not anything left in the world that’s unregulated? Sorry, my rant is over.

I really hate the fact that cities put time and age limits on trick or treating. Who comes to my house and when and if I choose to answer the door, should be up to me. Is there not anything left in the world that’s unregulated? Sorry, my rant is over.
I think it has more to do with the safety of the kids and trying to keep other older punks in check. I am all for it and will fight them if they try to change it.
No kids trick or treat in my neck of the woods. The coyotes would get 'em. ;) We take our kids to my parents neighborhood every year. Even there, its surprising how many jack asses don’t have their lights on. Now, when I was a kid - we played up the “trick” part if you didn’t have a treat. And I admit that I wanted to soap a few windows myself, last night.
My area is the same way, no kids at all. Oh yeah, lights off ( when we knew they’re home) and that was an automatic soaping or rotten egg on the car. My friend’s Dad owned a feed store and sold eggs, so we had plenty of rotten ones available.
That is exactly why we always buy lots of candy and don’t comment if the kids want to grab a handful. And if we leave or get tired of answering the door we just stick a bowl of candy out front. Eventually some of those cute little kids are going to be little punks with rotten eggs . . .