Happy Independence Day everyone!!!

What is on the agenda for today ???  As for me and mine, just a relaxing day
punctuated with some beers,and the wife said she was cooking… :o

Edit: She reneged… >:(  that dumps it right on me…oh well I do know the way. :-\



Happy 4th to you too.  I’ve got brisket on the smoker, my neighbor is doing ribs and I just tapped a keg of my saison last night,  we have friends coming over and there will be kids in the pool(drunk adults have to wait til after dark).

Lucky dogs. I’m almost done with work. After that, I think I’m going to open the bottle of mirror, mirror I’ve got downstairs and watch whatever baseball game happens to be playing on this timezone…

I just put some babyback ribs on for a slow 4hr grilling, started the
mash for a batch of yellow fizzy beer :D  Some kinda Belgian Blond, 1.062-31ibu

Should be a nice afternoon of brewing & drinking while splashing in the

The only bad part is I have a nasty sinus attack, can barely taste or
smell anything.

Later I have a half-brick of firecrackers just begging to be lite ;D :smiley:

Revolutionary War marathon on the History Channel 8)

Had some folks over for beer and BBQ yesterday.  I’m brewing today, but I’m moving really slowly!

Happy fourth everybody. I got a party to go to this evening but I’m gonna get some good brew for afterwards. Other than that I plan on doing jack-sh!t day.

Nasty sinus attack? I had one last night carrying over into today despite pollen.com forecasts being low. Maybe it’s all that African dust blowing in… ;D

I’m working.  My wife is taking the kids to a bbq so I can get stuff done in peace, we’ll grill some sausages and light some fireworks later.

I don’t even care to talk about it…

wake up @ 3am feeling like I’m drowning and been up since then, running 101F right now with tissues stuck in each nostrl :o

Can’t taste a stinky-aromatic APA as the wife says she can smell it 10ft away :smiley:

I made some baby backs yesterday. I’ll post pics in the BBQ thread. Today it’s all the leftovers with some beer of course. I also rescheduled my brewday to next weekend as much needed yardwork got in the way.  :frowning:

Local fireworks are set for tonight.

Smoked a 5 lb. pork butt rubbed with a Southwestern rub on Saturday.  Using the leftovers today for street style enchiladas.  Going to make poblano rice, guacamole, and some sort of frijoles.  Not traditional “american” fare, although I guess it depends on where you live.

Happy 4th everyone!  Cheers!

went to a bbq yesterday and had freshly caught blue crab and clams, ribs, great beer and hung out with 30 of my closest friends, it does NOT get any better than that. happy 4th everyone, have a fun and safe one!

Tubercle doesn’t know how lucky he is… what I wouldn’t give to watch the history channel over here.

Try Netflix streaming media…you may just be able to!

Happy Independence Day !!