Heat Wave?

Its in the mid to high 20’s (f) here… I’m sweating like a pig, I had to take my tee-shirt off even its so damn hot in the house now!  I just hope the temperatures don’t bounce us around for the next month or so… I can handle it one way or another with subtle changes but damn… its HOT right now!  :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you casting out a line to stir up a global warming debate?  :wink:

Here in Ohio we say don’t like the weather? Wait five minutes. It’ll change.  ::slight_smile:

You don’t live in Ohio anymore, you can’t use that!

Must be heatstroke. This is Michigan, remember?  :o

I’s a high of 64 here and low of 32 tonight. A relief since it’s been rather chilly lately. Forecast for next week is in the mid 70’s! Woohoo! ;D

We haven’t seen a HIGH of 32 in weeks…Woohoo…

It’s nice here, 50F, should get a bit warmer as the day goes on.  Not raining yet, but it will . . .

-10 and snowing here in Ontario. 2 feet on the level right now. Had to cancel our baseball tournament for today (seriously). Not enough teams for a good tournament.

We have upper 40’s with winds foredcast to exceed 65 mph…hang on to your chains.
Wind generators sure look funny when they are trying to plow dirt…

In France all last week I wore T-shirts or short sleeve shirts, here in sunny southern New Mexico we had sub-zero weather for the second time in a week, and I’m not talking about wind chill.  Something’s screwy here.

I hear you guys play baseball on skates up there.

Operator error!
The blades should been have feathered with the forecast of high winds.

True, I don’t live here anymore, but it’s where I am right now. Till the 15th anyways… :-\

Only 5 weeks until spring!  ;D

Hit 85 here today.

Seriously started thinking about the A/C for a moment - particularly while making the buffalo wings and chili.

Bah, it’s 40F here in Iowa City.  Feels soooo warm.  I was out riding my bike with no gloves or hat.  Didn’t need my rain jacket either. 
I think my ideal weather is low’s in the 20s and 30s with highs in the 40s and 50s.  No bugs, not too hot so I don’t sweat, good biking and brewing weather…would just be perfect.  I’d rather wear layers than not be able to take enough layers off and still be hot.

That’s exactly why I live here…  no layers needed to be added or removed.  65⁰ F - 78⁰F

BTW - cool signature  :wink:

After a couple weeks of -15 temperatures, yesterday was about 40 degrees and I brewed in my T-shirt.  I saw two little kids (ages 3 and 5, probably) running around Walmart with shorts and t-shirts on.  Only in Minnesota, only in Walmart!

Today was 45 and just unbelievable.  I almost went out to check for hop shoots!

Had to put the car AC on for the first time this season on Friday. That also meant that I had time to finish my deck extension project and put up the hop trellises. Apparently this is pretty normal for France mid-feb though, and in theory it’ll drop back around March-ish.