SO looking to try this one out. It is 8% blonde weizenbock, rich caramel banana clove hefeweizen color/texture with a nice apricots and plum fruit aroma. Very light bitterness and would guess only 6-8 srm. My overall impression of this beer is sweet, malty, creamy smooth wheat, and a short lived mellow bitterness before the warm alcohol finish. Good beer for sure, ready to have as much on hand as I can make.
Equipment is a 10 gal fermenter. 15qt mash tun - cracked my 10 gallon and in a pinch going to what I have on hand.
Looking for tweeks on the recipe I have scraped together. Trying to do a full conversion and back up my mini-mash with DME.
Est OG - 1.082 Est FG - 1.020 ~8.2% IBU 12.38 SRM 6.88
Starter 1 gal 1 vial WLP300 1/4 tsp nutrient 2lbs Light DME
Grains look like this:
3.5lbs Pale Wheat 1.5L 18.92%
3lbs Munich Light Ger 6L 16.22%
1lbs Crystal 20L 5.41% (seems like too much at a 2nd glance but looking for big caramel richness)
1lbs Flaked Wheat 2L 5.41%
Mash Schedule
target pH 5.2 [is that wrong?]
185F in 1.5qts with 1lbs Flaked Wheat (gelatinization temp for wheat)
110F for 30mins in 12.5qts (beta glucan rest)
122F for 60mins in 12.5qts (protein rest)
30 mins in pro/rest decoc1 150F (saccharification) 10 mins - then boil for 12 mins (decoction1)
60 mins at 150F for saccharification
40 mins in sacc. decoc2 boil for 12 mins
mash out 168F for 10 mins
fly sparge 12.5qts @165F
Boil 60 mins 5.5 gallons Est Preboil ~ 1.110
8lbs Wheat DME - 60
2lbs Extra Light DME - 60
1oz Perle 8.2AA - 50 mins
.25oz Nelson Sauvin 12.2AA - 10 mins
Nutrient - 10 mins
No finnings
probably going to need 3.5 gallons ready to add for 8 gallons batch.
Comments? questions? concerns? any advice is always welcomed and appreciated.