I’ve tried a few of these (Hemperor) and would like to try and make one. Where to get and what kind of hemp is best for this style?
I live in moonshine country so when folks are looking for a quasi-legal beverage they go for something in a mason jar.
Never even seen a hemp beer on a menu so I have no advice to offer. Still, I’ve a couple questions:
Did the hemp beer you tried have any distinct flavor that you could recognize?
Is anybody growing hemp for flavor purposes?
I hope that hemp becomes useful to homebrewing if and only if it imparts something to that beer that you can’t achieve any other way. Otherwise it’s a gimmick. Ooh look Martha… they’ve gone and used them “left handed cigarettes” in a beer. Let’s try one the next time we’re at Applebee’s…
Left handed Lucky Strikes would be the more specific term.
Yes there are a few commercial varieties of Hemp Pale ale. Definitely can catch the aroma and even in the taste.