The pile of hops I got from YSO191 have suddenly sparked my interest in IPAs, or Session IPAs, or hoppy pale ales… whatever. I looked up a few threads on Summit. And I recently tried Eldorado in a blend, but I think it got lost. I also think i discovered the line of too much amarillo causing that metalic thing. It was faint, but there, and not something i want to try to recreate. I’m interested in your thoughts on this combo in a 6 gallon batch.
I like the idea of 50/50 Amarillo and el dorado. And I’m guessing that you probably don’t want this advice, but I’m going to give it anyways. Sub the summit out with CTZ. First step of using summit in your hop schedule: Thtiw it I the trash.
But I understand that you want to give it a shot. Who knows, YOU might like it.
I love Summit and use it fairly often. I assume you’re referring to the onion/garlic thing? That’s a flaw in the hops. If you get good ones, then you don’t get onion/garlic.
Yeah. I love the tangerine part of it, but every single time I’ve used it I got ‘beat you over the head’ onion/garlic. Several times from different vendors.
I must be lucky as I’ve never gotten onion/garlic. It’s one of my favorite too. The next beer on my schedule is an American amber using summit, simcoe, and saphir which turned out great the previous time that I brewed it.
Can you do a rub/smell and detect the onion/garlic? Or is it hidden and roll of the dice?
I only have about 6 ounces of it, and it was free, so I’m not set in stone on using it. By the way the AA was 13, kinda low, so im hopeful that they harvested early
I can usually smell it just by smelling in the hop bag. Doesn’t mean it couldn’t be in the final product, but the times I had it the worst I could smell it just from the pellets. If you don’t notice it, I’d just blend away and try it. Definitely wouldn’t single hop with it.
I actually just cut open the bag, and it strikes me as dry onion skin and garlic. I sealed them and put them back in the freezer so that I can get rid of them in a year. Lol
I got a lot of onion/garlic from homegrown Cascade that I harvested a bit late. Same thing from some English hops from a friend’s garden. I assume it can happen to any hops that are overripe.