Hop Farm Tours in Washington/Oregon week of July 16th to July 25th.

Greetings all!

I will be makeing a trek from Michigan to Portland On the week of July 16th to 25th and touring the upper Oregon and lower Washington area.

Is anyone aware of hop farms giving tours during that week?  I would love to visit acers and acers of hops, and maybe even see some of the equipment.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!!!

I would try giving these guys a call.

Puterbaugh Farms
Hops Direct, LLC
686 Green Valley Road
Mabton, WA  98935

Excellent!  I will try that.  I have contacted Rouge Farms Micro-Hopyard as well to see what their tour times are.  They have tours on Monday’s starting in August, but I will be there a few weeks early!

Thanks for the tip!!

Welcome to my back yard!

The advice on HOPSDirect is terrific.  If you come as far north as Yakima, check out the area by 1st and D streets.  There are three of four hop processing plants that may give tours.  I know one has a company store of sorts.

For fields, if you take highway 24 East out of Yakima, you will drive five miles and see nothing but hop yards.  Too bad you won’t be in town on Oct 2.  Fresh hop festival in downtown Yakima.  All brewers have to bring at least one beer brewed within 24 hours of hops coming off the vines.

I hope you enjoy your stay in Washington.

I plan on driving up to the OBF from CA.  While staying w/friends in Salem, we are hoping to get to Rogue’s farm (about half way down):

Maybe we’ll see you there. :slight_smile:

Thanks BrewArk,

Actually, I have worked through a few contacts who recommended the Rouge’s Farm as well.  It appears that they will be haveing a bus come from Portland to the Hop Yards every Monday in August and provide a tour… for about $10!!

Until then, they appear to be closed Mondays and Tuesdays, but the Farm manager offered to stop by on her day off and give my family a tour anyway!

My plan is to swing by during normal business hours, so maybe we will run into eachother…

Thanks for the tip.

Not to be a “Debbie downer”, but Rogue justed posted on Facebook that they had a dismal year due to the wet summer. I’m not trying to discourage but if your strapped for time, you might want to check out other places.
